18th Annual Health Day – Thriving in Retirement

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8:15-8:30 Welcome & Introduction

8:30-9:30 Pain Resilience and More Rewarding Self-Management
Afton L. Hassett, PsyD

9:30-9:45 Break – Move, Stretch and Be Active

9:45-10:45 Anticoagulation for Cardiac Reasons: Irregular Heart
Rhythms, Cardiac Clot and Others
Jim Froehlich, MD

10:45-11:00 Break – Move, Stretch and Be Active

11:00-12:00 Advances in Translating Fall Risk Reduction for Older
Adults to the Real World
Neil Alexander, MD

12:00-1:30 Lunch

1:30-2:30 Noise is Damaging Your Body
Sally L Lusk, PhD, RN, FAOHN, FAAN

2:30-2:45 Stretch Break – Stretch, Move, be Active

2:45-3:45 An Eye to the Future: Ocular Health as We Age
Ariane Kaplan, MD

3:45-4:00 Discussion, Evaluation and End of Program.

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