3 Tips for a Successful Brain Injury Lawsuit

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Over the past 30 plus years, personal injury attorney Richard LaGarde has successfully represented many victims of brain injuries in both Texas and Louisiana. Mr. LaGarde is board certified by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization in both personal injury and civil trial law, a distinction achieved by less than 1/2 of 1% of Texas attorneys. In this video, Mr. LaGarde describes 3 tips for a successful brain injury lawsuit.

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ds electroshock says:

Have many patients looking for assistance around medical malpractice and hospital negligence. Involves 5 billion annually in the US alone. Dr. Bennet Omalu famous for findings in the NFL of CTE is now on record stating similar outcomes anticipated in this population seeking assistance. Current national product liability suit taking place associated with this and CA courts have proved brain injury outcomes.  https://youtu.be/369_F0ZbeZc

Richard LaGarde says:

Sorry to hear about your daughter. I recommend that you have her medical records reviewed by a competent trial attorney with experience in childbirth negligence cases. He or she would be able to tell you whether any negligence occurred in your daughter's case. My preference is always an attorney who is board certified in trial law but if none can be found in your locality, look for an attorney with actual trial experience. Best of luck to you and your daughter.

Tony Peters says:

Do you think I would seek legal actions against a hospital who didn’t tell me my daughter had a TBI at birth? She’s 3 now and we just found out and it was in her records.

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