Addressing Thoughts of Suicide After Brain Injury

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How common is suicide after brain injury?

Dr. Maria Mouratidis is is a licensed neuropsychologist and currently the command consultant and subject matter expert for Traumatic Brain Injury and Psychological Health at the National Naval Medical Center. Produced by Victoria Tilney McDonough and Brian King.

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Jason Levy says:

The mood comes and goes but their are times that are very dark… God bless us all.

Caius Nair says:

I am terrified of brain injuries. All these "support" people would insist that I should continue living to fit their ideology on life. All the while, my own intelligence may be compromised to the point where I may not even be able to advocate my own suicide. I can only hope than any serious brain injury I incur will grant me a decisive death, before people try to "help" me.

shamy desfines says:

I would make love to her.

David Potterman says:

I had suicidal thoughts after my brain injury and was prosecuted for asking for help……Malicious communication; implied suicide threat. Cruel police in England.
And then I did nearly die after I was arrested —- not self inflicted, but due to stress

Dan Hughes says:

Like anyone can help or fix tbi
We are alone..there is not help for it…they keep taking messing with my meds..people have no clue the hell of tbi..hell does not even come close..

Celt Glen says:

No help for the courageous.

MyWittsend3 says:

I totally relate TBI hit by city bus but denied ABI PTSD treatment by insurance & Govt doctor don't care 18 months road to hell 🙁 fear & suffering unbelievable

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