Researchers reviewed brain scans after mild head injury and found some patterns of brain bleeds could be associated with worse long-term outcomes.
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Uploaded by John Lemon on June 24, 2023 at 4:46 pm
Researchers reviewed brain scans after mild head injury and found some patterns of brain bleeds could be associated with worse long-term outcomes.
Researchers reviewed brain scans after mild head injury and found some patterns of brain bleeds could be associated with worse long-term outcomes.
Holistic medical guru here. Just wanted to let people know, if you or someone you know bump your head, or feel you’re going to get an oncoming concussion from a head blow of any sort, here are the 3 things to do immediately afterwards, via what holistic medical research shows.
1. Immediately ice down the area of the head where the impact happened, preferably with a plastic package of frozen veggies you may have in your freezer. A package of frozen peas, frozen corn, or any frozen pack that has smaller bits inside of the pack to contour to the shape of your head.
2. As soon as possible, take a Magnesium capsule supplement, preferably Magnesium Citrate, or Magnesium Aspartate. When the brain receives injury, research has shown brain chemistry immediately depletes magnesium, which is crucial for brain cells to stay alive, as well as brain tissue health. During a concussion magnesium immediately becomes “brain food” to minimize potential further damage to brain cells and brain tissue.
3. The bio-active anti-inflammatory ingredient called “Curcumin” which is extracted from Turmeric, is also needed immediately in the bloodstream, to act as a powerful anti-inflammatory on not only the brain during injury, but it’s an anti-inflammatory for the entire body.
Basically the name of the game when it comes to brain trauma, is aside from avoiding a brain bleed or a blood clot in the brain vascular system, it is INFLAMMATION that if not immediately kept under control, will prolong brain healing as well as create potential risk for long term brain damage. All 3 approaches mentioned above (1. Immediate ice, 2. Magnesium, 3. Curcumin) will help insure that brain swelling and brain inflammation is kept at bay. But it has to be immediate, at least the ice, while you try and get your hands on Magnesium and Curcumin, which should be in every house hold anyways if mainstream people understood the importance of these critical supplements.