Brain Injury and Employment: Headway's Tamsin Keyes speaks to brain injury survivor Gerald Heffernan

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Gerald Heffernan was a professional coach driver, working a busy
schedule that involved travelling up and down the country with coachfuls of tourists from all around the world. But a sudden diagnosis of encephalitis put the brakes on Gerald’s career, causing him to experience a wide range of symptoms that stopped him from being able to return to the wheel.

Here, Gerald speaks to us about his experience of employment after brain injury, and the challenges he faced in accessing support.

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@kathrynmurray5376 says:

Hope you're OK now xxx

@RoadRunnergarage8570 says:

One day at a time.. Sometimes one second at a time!!

@RoadRunnergarage8570 says:

After my TBI I attempted to become a Special Education Teacher,Car Salesman and 911 Radio Dispatcher but could not handle the stressors of these three careers due to my difficulties with my TBI… I finally got approved for Social Security Disability Income (SSDI) after 15 years of fighting the system through 3 different attorneys and 4 appeals… I do drive part time for a local Car Dealership from 0 to 20 hours a week… I also build and collect model cars and collect die cast metal model cars as hobbies …

@debblackmore7460 says:

Stay strong keep going doing amazing things keep positive stay strong positive stay safe everyone stay strong stay safe sending luck hugs love from headway Nottingham UK takecare xxx

@KuruContinuum says:

Wishing you all the best with your recovery

@CD-ih1eo says:

Very well explained Gerald. Thank you.

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