Brain Injury, Head Trauma, Personality Disorders
Everything you Need to Know about Narcissists, Psychopaths, and Abuse - click on this link:
Certain medical conditions can activate the narcissistic defense mechanism. Chronic ailments are likely to lead to the emergence of narcissistic traits or a narcissistic personality style. Traumas (such as brain injuries) have been known to induce states of mind akin to full-blown personality disorders. Such "narcissism", though, is reversible and tends to be ameliorated or disappear altogether when the underlying medical problem does. Other disorders, like the Bipolar Disorder (mania-depression) are characterised by mood swings that are not brought about by external events (endogenous, not exogenous). But the narcissist's mood swings are strictly the results of external events (as he perceives and interprets them, of course).
(From the book "Malignant Self-love: Narcissism Revisited" by Sam Vaknin - Click on this link to purchase the print book, or 16 e-books, or 2 DVDs with 12 hours of video lectures on narcissists, psychopaths, and abuse in relationships:
Everything you Need to Know about Narcissists, Psychopaths, and Abuse – click on this link:
Certain medical conditions can activate the narcissistic defense mechanism. Chronic ailments are likely to lead to the emergence of narcissistic traits or a narcissistic personality style. Traumas (such as brain injuries) have been known to induce states of mind akin to full-blown personality disorders. Such “narcissism”, though, is reversible and tends to be ameliorated or disappear altogether when the underlying medical problem does. Other disorders, like the Bipolar Disorder (mania-depression) are characterised by mood swings that are not brought about by external events (endogenous, not exogenous). But the narcissist’s mood swings are strictly the results of external events (as he perceives and interprets them, of course).
(From the book “Malignant Self-love: Narcissism Revisited” by Sam Vaknin – Click on this link to purchase the print book, or 16 e-books, or 2 DVDs with 12 hours of video lectures on narcissists, psychopaths, and abuse in relationships:
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I would agree by process of elimination of the neurotransmitters this condition is not primarily affected by, that yes serotonin would be the culprit.  It certainly doesn't sound like a dopamine, norephedrine, addrenaline, or any other suspect. In fact, it just struck me, I have become in the past extremely narcissistic when on LSD. Not every time, and lord i dropped 100s of doses in my life, but on occasion I did feel omnipotent and superior and even sexually irresistable. I've had similar feelings on other psychedelics and mdma, but those were not psychotic level. I was always aware the drug was making me feeling that way, or at best enhancing who i  am. On strong clean LSD, sometimes rather than having a trip where i was melding with the group, or perhaps tripping backwards and freaking out, i would get these incredible rushes of "false prophet", and I'd even see an image of myself in my mind as this all-knowing supreme post-modern humanoid. And now that i'm reliving them, i can see myself coming out of these psychotic states back and forth, confused as to which me i was.. the all powerful species.. or just a hairless monkey laughing from too much drugs..  fortunately i never came off thinking i was anything but a hairless crazy monkey. However, I do think if i stayed in that state i would be constantly looking for proof that i was that creature in my head. I suppose a further inquiry would be what would make me want to be that creature, to want to stick with that false image, because frankly it was ugly, it was too wise and therefore not innocent, and therefore there was nothing to love about it.  I suppose Narcissists are just dying to be unique, that would answer my question, and if they become what I tripped out on, then it would explain why the situations and psychological distress they create are in fact as ugly as they are.
I can tell you from experience they tried to treat me as having borderline personality disorder , and schizoaffective thinking that was the issue ,  I have Frontal Lobe Syndrome which in certain albeit rare circumstances causes auditory hallucinations . The introduction of medicines like Abilify and Zyprexa even Geodon, had severe issues with me that no one realized , because of the misdiagnosis I began to have problems with delusional behavior and much of the narcissistic traits you described.  Recently I forced my hand with my physician not my psychiatrist to have my VP Shunt Examined because of intense migraine issues the Drs knew of the issue with the shunt prior to my diagnosis , my physician  thinking " he is just paranoid because of his diagnosis" sent me as a precautionary exam to a neurosurgeon who ran tests determining the shunt was not only not working but broken in several place and was in severe disrepair for well over 10 years  about the same ammount of time as the diagnosis .  A Forewarning of anyone treating a patient with a VP Shunt ,  Physiologic First  Symptomatic Last.  I have Lost 13 years of my life , with no compensation for the time all I can do is move forward as a warning to other Drs please listen to the patients not the charts .
No, I don't.
If we give ppl with depression, obsessive-compulsive behavior SSRI's (Prozac Lexapro Paxil Zoloft) and monitor for side effects (rage attacks, delirium) it may lead to the real cause NPD. Going backwards to go forward.