CNAT Sport Science R180 Revision (Summer 2024)

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Welcome to PE and Sport revision with The EverLearner taught by James Simms, the most-watched PE teacher in the world. :). Our revision is utterly free and available to all PE students and teachers across the world. The sessions focus on BOTH exam knowledge and skills and we aim to ensure that students are exam-ready in the specific knowledge and skills of their course. We leave no stone unturned to establish the exact language, knowledge and skills of your course.

The PE and sport revision shows can be taken live or on demand but we highly recommend that you watch the show with the associated notes pages and complete them as James does on screen. You should also download the National Mock Exam, mark scheme and model answers. All of these will be referenced in the show.

Topic 1: Intrinsic factors – Individual variables
Topic 2: Intrinsic factors – Psychological factors
Topic 3: Physiological and psychological benefits of a warm-up
Topic 4: Acute injuries
Topic 5: Safety checks
Topic 6: Strategies to reduce the risk of injury
Topic 7: Recovery position
Topic 8: Psychological effects of dealing with injury and medical conditions
Topic 9: Diabetes: causes, symptoms, treatment and monitoring
Topic 10: Other medical conditions: hypothermia, heat exhaustion and dehydration

Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you the very best for your exam(s). Go get ’em!!


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