Concussions and Memory Loss

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Dan Nicholson is a lifelong an athlete, and along the way he racked up quite a few concussions. Now, years later, he still notices the lasting effects. As a dad and a coach, he wanted a way to monitor blows to the head among youth athletes. In this clip, he shares his journey that led him to create Head Case.

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maybememory1 says:

That’s an amazing invention! Concussions can go undetected and absolutely ruin lives

Ninja Is Cool says:

I played tackle-football for 6 years. Had memory loss beginning in year 5 which continued into year 6. Even writing this comment was a struggle. Football isn't worth it. If you feel any symptoms of a concussion, get out of the game immediately.

Ball Nugget says:

I came here to learn how to get a concussion and forget EVERYTHING i know and drown my pain and sadness your a dissapointment for getting my hopes up

Munir Oloko says:

Very inspiring

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