Coping with the Emotional and Psychological Impact of a Mild Traumatic Brain Injury

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Coping with the Emotional and Psychological Impact of a Mild Traumatic Brain Injury [Video]

If you’ve experienced a mild traumatic brain injury, it’s important to know that your emotional and cognitive symptoms are completely normal. You may experience the injury as a personal disaster — this is a common response, and you should not try to ignore or suppress your feelings.
Here are some ways to cope with a Mild Traumatic Brain Injury:
1. Take care of your needs.
2. Understand you will feel a wide variety of emotions.
3. Seek support from others.
4. Seek professional help if you’re having trouble meeting the needs of everyday life.
5. Allow yourself time to grieve.
If you have suffered a mild traumatic brain injury, it is important to remember help is out there for you.
Learn more about the emotional and psychological impact of mild traumatic brain injury in this video.

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Faisal Bi says:

Hi I had tramatic brain injery brain surgery is possible my emotions will come back as normal how was before? Please reply me it's been 8 months I don't have emotions feelings how was before

Walking Lightly On The Planet says:

I needed to hear this, thank you.

Gail Gibbons says:

I hope more people will try and understand that just because you make look fine there can be a lot going on.  Take it from a person that lives with this everyday.

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