Dealing with the effects of a traumatic brain injury

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June is Brain Injury Awareness Month. Over 20,000 Canadians are hospitalized each year with traumatic brain injuries. Rory Young, a BC man, suffered a traumatic brain injury in a car accident that left him in a coma a few years ago. Global News Weekend’s Mike Arsenault spoke to Rory, a former baseball teammate of Mike’s, about the accident and the long road to recovery.

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Chelsey Tarnow says:

Thank you for sharing Rory🙏. You are a real inspiration!

T. Ziehr says:

All the very best for a speedy recovery and your future career as a fire fighter.

Brad Sherwin says:

Rory is my nephew. We thought we had lost him. His recovery can be attributed to his perseverance and determination. He has grown a lot through the experience as well. Couldn’t be more proud of him. Love you, Rory!

Sada Spaidal says:

Thank you for sharing your story Rory and being an advocate 🙂

plan B says:

Jus being alive and aware out of a coma I think is the best news ever.. thanks Global News…

S C says:

God blessed you. Amazing recovery progress!

Sunny Delight says:

He admits he was obnoxious. Typical rude person you’ll meet. Thanks for admitting it. I’ll reserve my sympathy for survivors that deserve it.

GPLIPP says:

The constant headaches. Not many understand or are willing to help.

Johnson mark says:

I don't know who needs to hear this but stop saving all your money, invest some of it if you really want financial freedom .. says:

Invisible injuries are horrible. All the weakness we hide that no one can see are the injuries and symptoms that slowly drive you crazy

Valda Marie Legault says:

Wonderful story! Speaking from personal experience, the laws need to change as Insurance companies have too much power, they deny treatments for this type of injuries and one has to fight them when they are least capable!

AllSaints Academy says:

What an inspiration…

Deb Mainas Stevens says:

Lovely Human

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