Emotions after Brain Injury with Dr. Ann Marie McLaughlin | Hope Survives Brain Injury Podcast

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Emotional changes after brain injury are common. The way that the brain is physically affected can cause changes in emotional response. Also, dealing with a major life change can lead to complicated feelings and trauma responses. If you have experienced a wide range of confusing emotions, know that you are not alone!

Today, Dr. Ann Marie McLaughlin joins Cristabelle to share her expertise. Let’s talk about some of the ways that emotional changes affect survivors, common root causes, and some coping strategies and tips on how to work through the complex emotions that can happen after brain injury.


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Dr. Ann Marie McLaughlin is the current president of the Brain Injury Association of Pennsylvania (https://biapa.org). She developed her interest in brain injury and cognitive rehabilitation while training in the neuropsychology lab at the VA Medical Center in Washington, D.C. From there, she moved on to a nationally recognized rehabilitation hospital and helped support their expanding brain injury unit. Dr. McLaughlin worked for 20 years in this acute rehabilitation hospital where she held positions including Director of Psychology and Program Manager for the Stroke, Chronic Pain and Brain Injury programs. She was responsible for start up of a 45 bed brain injury unit; focusing on program development, staffing and program outcomes of the inpatient unit as well as outpatient services, including a mild head injury program. In 2001, she brought her wealth of experience and skills to ReMed, as the Clinical Director of ReMed’s Outpatient, Home and Community Based Services. There she has championed creative interdisciplinary treatment approaches to serve a range of clients who have sustained mild to severe brain injuries. Dr. McLaughlin is a hands on Clinical Director and works directly with the clients and the team to develop the best possible treatment plans for achieving desired goals in their homes and communities. Clients and staff rely on her ability to listen, support and problem solve. She is known for her quick wit as well as her ability to remain calm in the midst of a crisis; essential skills in the constantly changing and challenging world of brain injury rehabilitation.
Through her years working in acute and post acute brain injury rehabilitation, Dr. McLaughlin has also focused on the needs of caregivers. She developed programs to support brain injury survivors as well as their families through an education series and group therapy. Dr. McLaughlin continues to share her talents to improve the lives of the people who have sustained brain injuries and their families. She is an active member of the Brain Injury Special Interest Group of the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine, focusing on issues of cognitive rehabilitation and community integration. She has published articles on topics related to brain injury, chronic pain, staff stress and family coping, and has presented on these topics at numerous conferences.

Cristabelle Braden is an award winning singer/songwriter, keynote speaker, writer, podcast host, brain injury survivor & advocate. www.cristabellebraden.com

#HopeSurvives #HopeAfterHeadInjury #TraumaticBrainInjury

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B Gillette says:

Speech-to-text always changes the words I've said even though I look before I post, it was supposed to say " saps" my brain, and it was supposed to say you have " the" identical issue 🙂

B Gillette says:

You have two identical issue I do with light and how it just stops your brain, I appreciate you giving me courage to wear a ball cap a lot because I guess I have to let go of wanting to have nice hair haha

Guru Notebooks says:

The book "30 Days to Reduce Stress" by Corin Devaso does a good job walking you through mindfulness exercises that can be used to alleviate stress. I recommend it.

blood.of.cuchulainn says:

i need friends that understand

saucerjess says:


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