Finding the Right Team for Your Mild Traumatic Brain Injury

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Finding the Right Team for Your Mild Traumatic Brain Injury [Video]

Every brain injury is different depending on the location, combined effects, and severity of the damage. Therefore, the professionals you will need on your team may vary depending on your specific injury.

Key specialists you may need for your brain injury rehabilitation include:

1. Family Doctor
2. Occupational Therapist
3. Physiotherapist
4. Neuropsychologist
5. Speech Language Pathologist
6. Case Manager
7. Lawyer

Ensuring you have the right team for your brain injury rehabilitation is the first step toward an optimal recovery.

Learn more about finding the right mild traumatic brain injury recovery team in this video.

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Solutions For Living by Entwistle Power Occupational Therapy says:

Great video Roger that recognizes the importance of a multi-disciplinary team.  Thanks for all you do to get your clients the support they need, and for being such an advocate of the benefits of OT!

Gail Gibbons says:

This lawyer is amazing and has been very helpful in recommending to me the right people to see and help me.

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