Gavin True – Anoxic brain Injury Recovery

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Video Taken: 3 years post injury. please feel free to read my journals on Caringbridge:

My son, 33 yr old Gavin True attempted to commit suicide April 18th, 2017.   He spent 14 harrowing  days in the ICU at Inland Valley Hospital (IVH) Trauma Center. After which he was transferred to a long-term acute care center, Kindred Hospital of Riverside in Perris CA, in the ICU .  While the doctors at IVH did not have much hope for Gavin to recover from a persistent vegetative state (PVS), our family believed differently and consequently we chose  not to give up on him.   We gave Gavin over to the LORD since only He can take life or give life.

Prior to this incident, Gavin had been battling and suffering from depression and possibly Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). We were not aware of how much he was suffering and tragically he attempted to end his own life.  From what we have been able to piece together Gavin had taken a deadly combination of prescription drugs and alcohol, all after being on a three-day binge using illegal drugs and he was sleep-deprived. After becoming quite emotional he drove to a public park tied a noose around his neck and hung himself.  He suffered a cardiac arrest followed by a stroke depriving his brain of oxygen  resulting in an Anoxic Brain Injury  (ABI).   We are not sure how long he went without oxygen, however if you read about Anoxia, you will learn it only takes four minutes for your brain to affected.

One might ask, why?  Or, what made a seemingly healthy, good-looking, and intelligent young man do this to himself?  We hope, over time, he will be able to provide those answers to us and we will be able to help him recover to a healthier emotional mind.  In the meantime, we will continue to encourage Gavin and support him throughout his MARATHON by properly caring for him  during each leg of this race towards the healing of his mind, body & soul.

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shikha yadav says:

How many days he was in coma and vegetative state??

AverageGamer says:

Hope this helps.. Im rooting for you!

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