Head Injuries 6, Concussion ('mild' traumatic brain injury)

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Rakesh says:

How can i cure from confusion

ds electroshock says:

Traumatic brain injuries being induced by providers for decades. Electroshock or ECT is being performed at many leading facilities and for multiple reasons now. It is no longer a last resort. Traumatic brain injury outcomes have now been proven in the CA courts and is tied to the untested devices used. The suit is now national. Patients are showing damages on neuro/cog testing, EEG, MRI, SPECT, PET, VNG etc. We have medical notes by leading TBI professional stating damages to a patients frontal lobes, cerebellum, and brain stem as a direct result of this procedure. We have medical malpractice firms interviewing around a fallible consent. Please see ectjustice now under ownership of the law firms involved in the national device suit. See Life After ECT and book by Linda Andre called Doctors of Deception. This is also being used on our children, Veterans, and even women in pregnancy. This is purely electrical trauma which can evolve over years in damages to include CTE and ALS. Billions involved annually in US alone. Cover ups of decades coming to light.

Balu Me says:

How these ppl get recovery? What's the way to get recovery

Vijay Sonawane says:

Hello I have had a blow to my head on right side of my head 10 years ago , I was unconscious for 10 minutes and I had headache the whole day and for 30 days after getting up in the morning , I have not consulted doctor and not taken any treatment
Now from last 3 years I am having symptoms of TBI
Mental confusion, blurry vision in one eye , sensitivity to light and sound, I feel as if my right ear drum is broken, balance problem while driving please let me know whether the symptoms are serious and I need to get an MRI scan done.

im.insane says:

i got knocked down and i got a concussion they’re not fun -_-

Tony Livengood says:

Traumatic brain injury

fishsticks123123 says:

Is there something else other then a concussion cause I don't think it's a concussion but I hit my head hard and I just have a bad head ache for over a day now

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