How To Handle Traumatic Brain and Head Injury Lawsuits & Settlements

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TBI / Head Injury Lawsuits & Settlements and Your Medical Care

Frekhtman & Associates specialize in serious and catastrophic injury litigation and are recognized as some of the best personal injury lawyers in the New York City area.


(212) 222-1111 or (866) ATTY LAW




Frekhtman & Associates Injury Lawyers represent people who suffered a serious or life changing injury and had their lives destroyed or disrupted because of the negligence of others.


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Toughest Injury Lawyers To Help You Get Justice With All Personal Injuries
If you have been injured in a car accident, construction accident, or slip & fall, contact the experienced New York personal injury attorneys at Frekhtman & Associates.

You may be eligible to receive compensation for your pain, suffering, and losses. We can help you recover. To achieve the best results, you need the expertise of a top rated New York personal injury and car accident attorney.

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How Do I Know If I Have a Strong Personal Injury Case ?

Do I Have to Pay $ to Hire a Lawyer After an Injury ?

Injury Lawsuit Do’s and Don’ts:



If we are talking about a car accident with a herniated disc injury this video explores the compensation you can expect to receive depending on how much medical treatment you

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Disclaimer: F&A has been awarded the 10 Best Attorneys honor for exceptional and outstanding service by the American Institute of Personal Injury Attorneys. Potential clients often search for the best personal injury lawyer in the New York City area. The F&A firm was recognized as the Top 100 Trial Lawyers by the National Trial Lawyers. If you are looking for top rated personal injury lawyers near you in the NYC area, contact for firm for a confidential consultation. There is never a legal fee until we win money for our clients.

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@Krismak2003 says:

TBI's are the worst this sucks!

@sidewaysrain7609 says:


@dorindasorensen174 says:

My Tbi may 5th 2018 and State of Iowa sent the papers saying I'm a tbi in the state of iowa

@Silver8946Twin-A says:

Do you practice in South Texas? 🙏🧠😔

@karencloskey7147 says:

Chiropractors do help people with head injuries

@mikerichards8400 says:

Attorney Frekhtman, I have a question please. If a person has undergone traumatic brain injury in a personal injury accident, does the insurance company or their lawyers send the TBI person to their own doctor to be tested for memory loss, etc.? If so, are they trying to see if it's permanent injury/loss or is it to establish their case of no liability? Thank you so much.

@hectorsoto9327 says:

I went to a neurologist he recommended I get an MRI and he said my optic nerve might be damaged cause one of the pupils on my eye is way bigger than the other but I haven't got MRI or anything I'm still waiting

@Trolls584 says: this is why I said brain 🧠 injury are low I watch this laywer video and he only got 50 thousands for a client and it took him 4 years for that and he filed a law suit sir

@jeannedosterwise8460 says:

I've been on workman's comp for 23 years had several surgeries and feel abused by the Doctors who act like every time I see them, they ask why. I have several reasons why I Live in a loop with my PTSD I have bulging disk a stringing spine goes on and on, getting worse not better and bad doctors and some that are right on, still not better and owcp wants to retire me. No one here in California.

@Trolls584 says:

Why do you have to prepare for trial and just settle would it be easier for the client

@Barnaby99 says:

How about from being misdiagnosed first with a head cold Vs sinus infection the first few visits and when it was to late I had sinus infection and had my sinus flushed but as I was getting my sinus flushed the ear nose and throat dr cut my inside of my left sinus and the infection got into my
Blood stream and created 2 brain abcesses 1 in the front of my head and the other in The back. I was rushed for emergency brain surgery and ever since then my wife and I life have been turned upside down because of that one day at the ER when the dr flushed my sinus and had injuried me creating the rest of the following ?

@Trolls584 says:

What if you didn’t have a job can you still get a good settlement value

@XEI_520 says:

Luckily did my MRI (did not want to and had to be sedated) after someone hit and rolled over my car. Looks like I have a Diffuse axonal shearing injury and possible other TBI injury along with something like 8+ bulges in neck and back. I am showing signs of MS/Parkinsons/Alzheimers as well at 23 so EVERYONE GO GET AN MRI!!

@heatherrich7236 says:

Yes I'm stable from a fall and hit my head and knocked myself out. We just filed paperwork to the courts, because owner of the business refused to give information of the there insurance adjustors. Long process is beginning. I'm never going to 100%. But I'm definitely living my life without regrets.

@betterman7735 says:

i fell off a ladder at work in 2004.when taken to hospital the doctor stopped i n the middle of examining mebecause i swore . i fell 20 feet was knocked out when i woke up i was confused head ringin and in serious pain . i swore when the doc moved my hand that was hanging there .i was given a shot and when i woke up the doc told me i shattered my left wrist. i complained about feeling like someone else was making choices my anxety depression suicidal thought so i was sent to a pain clinic where they had me on many strong pills.i was light duty only work so i lost my job family and struggled ever since. i had my life ruined and been homeless ever since. cant get any help i never got treatment for brain injury i got sent to a crooked pain clinic that caused a huge opiod crisis there should be a few lawsuits there v can you help me please?

@manndesign2003 says:

I never got my payment. They said 780 after accident but I was f up . What can I do

@Jesus_Advocate41 says:

Recently involved in mva with concussion. Know any good NC attorneys?

@heatherng1978 says:

Can someone refer me a neurologist. I need neurologist

@TBIJourney says:

Jesus where where you about 5yrs ago? I was in an MVA and got some of the most horrid care. None of these things where done for me. In the end I lost both my kids and my job because of my TBI. Sad my time limit is over but still good advice to have.

@truthbombsmcgoo8513 says:

This is very helpful. I'm just trying to gey more information for my case. This stuff is very confusing and I want to understand why this takes so long? Thank You regardless

@greysoncpeltier says:

Thank you so much for putting this out! I wish there were more lawyers like you. I kept getting blown off by personal injury lawyers in California because they didn’t understand the seriousness of the concussion I had and call my case “not serious.” Ultimately, the effects, though rather subtle to those who don’t understand (even some doctors told me it was anxiety), basically made my life a nightmare for years.

@Winner1-c2u says:

Have many patients looking for assistance around medical malpractice and hospital negligence. Involves 5 billion annually in the US alone. Dr. Bennet Omalu famous for findings in the NFL of CTE is now on record stating similar outcomes anticipated in this population seeking assistance.

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