Memory Gone For Year After Traumatic Brain Injury

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College is a time of life for education, to explore new freedoms, to probe the beginnings of adulthood, to lay the foundation for a career and future relationships. It is a vital period where the mind is allowed to transition from childhood to adulthood, where the frontal lobes finish forming, where independence and executive abilities are honed by the trial and error of life away from parents.

Michael was an all too typical college student, with much trial and error, struggling to find a niche, spending too much time partying, not enough time learning in the classroom. At 22 he was beginning to make the changes, that with more experience, better opportunities he would likely have flourished in the adult world. He had made one major shift, leaving the temptations of his home town party school, to transfer to the University of Wisconsin — Oshkosh.
But when he went home to Kentucky for spring break, everything changed. An inattentive or perhaps intoxicated driver, crossed the center line, hitting his car head on. Michael tells what he remembers of what happened:
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