Military families cope with traumatic brain injury at West Orange hospital

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Its been three years since Scot Noss and Anthony Thompson suffered traumatic brain injuries while serving with the military overseas. Noss, 32-year-old U.S. Army Ranger from Birmingham, Ala., was the worst injured survivor of a helicopter crash in Afghanistan in January 2007. A few months later, Thompson, a 28-year-old Navy medic from Houston, Texas, was serving with a Marine unit in Iraq when his post was blown up by a massive suicide truck bomb. Though they never met before their injuries, the mens lives are now forever entwined. Their wives, RyAnne Noss and Ivonne Thompson, met shortly after they were injured and formed a close bond. Theyve shared hotels and hospital rooms ever since as they navigate the strange and little understood world of traumatic brain injury. Their search for experimental and intensive therapies ultimately led them to the Kessler Institute for Rehabilitation in West Orange, one the leading research facilities for traumatic brain injury. (Video by Nyier Abdou/The Star-Ledger)

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Cynthia Naylor says:

I know it's not realistic but I think you have to have hope that they are in there somewhere and one day they will just kind of " Pop" out.

love is love 2021 says:

She didn't lose a soul mate!

Lettuce Taco Bout ‘it says:

🧠 🎉🧠

Andrew Birch says:

I didn’t receive my Severe Traumatic Brain Injury in the Military, unfortunately I sustained it in a Vehicle Accident and I have zero memory of it and I never will remember and I want nothing from it

T Loew33 says:

I know this is an old video but this was deeply touching to me. These men are such heroes and can we just take a minute to admire their awesome wives!

Snok 7 says:

Es triste ver cómo cambiaron sus vidas por una guerra . Ánimos a todas esas familias por sus familiares que quedaron con secuelas ♥️

Ninny says:

Thank you for sacrificing all from these men and their wives.

laura brennan says:

God bless you all

AFG364 says:

served in Iraq for more than one tour..and think…all these devastated lives, and gave (surrendered) to a terrorist organization 85billin$ in weapons, equipment and vehicles…and we received the "brave" language assistants (which many were far from) and 160,000 afghan refugees invaded the US….so they will have an apartment, job and car…years from now will be only speaking of "afghan" advocacy groups and their "hardships" in afghanistan…as many of these brave soldiers/airmen; marines remain injured for life..and the challenge to their family's…

but Sharifa and Muktar and safe in the US and the afghan soccer team (female) made it "out" of afghanistan…so all these terrible injures from women and men brave to go to Iraq/Afghanistan for their lives…as many of these "hero" language assitatns were not all "that"…trust me…I managed many of them for years…yes, they did the job properly that is why they were hired in afghanistan to stabilize/infrastructure programs in afghanistan…for all to stay with their nation.

They (language assistants) knew how to "play" the US…like a fiddle…loose 7100 NATO/US civlian and military, 85billion$ in weapons/equipment…run out of our own embassy in complete shame, embarrassment and utter disgrace…but for Giggles and Slow "Joe" that is "victory"…and the american public..stupid…buy's their scam and "con".

For two years I was in the north in Mazar Shariff…managed about 15 language assistants…again they (mostly) did their job: they did it because it paid well for afghanitan and was a constant pay check…up to 2009 rarely heard of story's being "threatened" after 2009 until i left in 2014…

you would think they fought their way to work each day with their "new" story's. why? in 2009 you had to attest and say you were in "fear" because of your work to get a SIV visa…

that and about 15% maybe 20% of the langague assistants never left the base or rarely..the others were in convoy's during the day and back at the evening…some "embedded"..the ones that stayed on the base: the most risk they had was a full bladder, a paper cut and if the internet stopped for FB would have "stress"…most are all in the US as great "hero's" that fought for america and "sacrificed" all for the US..and "always" had our back in afghanitan….with "people" throwing them money…: if you only knew…

great used car salesmen…they would know what to say and keep "their" story on a "path" that few outside of afghanistan can understand and deal with…

Some of the best "ancient" salesmen…they could care less about afghanistan and (really) the US: mosque, car, job and safe place to live: that was the con and "sale" the US bought at the price of soldiers like in this video…

when I see the supportive wives and these injuries…makes me sick…these men ran "towards" defended their nation and afghanistan/Iraq. The vast majority of the language assistants never spent one day in their nations military (it was "below" them to do so with their "education") and ran away in "fear" from their nation to the US with a never ending story of what they "want" and how "great" they were with the US….

Lorrie Finley says:

Having had a TBI plus FM, my memory gets shakey at times, especially with stress (of any form). So I stopped the video to put my thoughts up to this point before I forget:
As a past Rehab nurse I immediately started noticing major errors in the 1st man with the most severe TBI. There were no hard splints in his hands & no shoes (or splints) on his feet. . The second was he didn't appear to be on a muscle relaxant or a high enough dose. The 3rd was during P.T., while stretching his arms not only were they positioned poorly for that, but neither the Therapist nor his wife provided passive support.
Additionally, if combining and utilizing as many therapies as possible, why isn't Hyperbaric Oxygen included? Alpha Stim? Tens? Also, I would be interested to know what Vitamin and Mineral supplements were added? It is extremely frustrating to here Physicians proclaim to "use every means possible" while keeping blinders on. (these thoughts are for both men.)

Narayanan Kulkarni says:

God bless you sir

Joanne Wilson says:

This is what the term means “loving somebody with your whole heart”. Ladies, you show the real meaning of marriage. Sending continued strength and love xxxx

Linda Turner says:

Tell me again why these young men ended up like this…….for what purpose did they sustain these injuries……why cant we stay in our own country and mind our own business so these men don’t end up like this…..I hate this.

Tallblondesmile says:

The men are heros and so are the wives

ประคอง มณี says:


Bernadette Elliott says:

Remarkable woman and men they are all heros…

Brian Scates says:

I investigated brain damaged veteran soldiers today because I had a dream about one last night; he was trapped in a bed and he was aware of those around him and he looked at me directly in my dream and smiled at me; I try not to judge others since some people are excellent at judging others and seldom judge themselves in such a negative manner; brain damage can actually happen to anyone in many ways other than in the forces; think traffic casualties; and of yourselves if you have negative views.

Diana Carman says:

Maybe elon musks neurolink would help?

M R says:

This country owes so much to these soldiers and families but, does so little for them when they get hurt or die. It’s so sad. We are such a rich country. There is no excuse how they’re treated. God Bless them and thank you all for your service!!!


Johnny Grant's is similar with what happened with your husband.Be strong!!!

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