Mood Episodes Precautions After Traumatic Brain Injury

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This video was made for our TBI Voices project. We interviewed thirty real life survivors of brain injury. In these interviews we talked to the survivors about how they became brain injured and who they were before their brain injury. We also talk about their recovery and what deficits they have encountered because of their brain injury.
This interview is with Traumatic Brain Injury survivor Elizabeth.
Mood and episodic temper and emotional outbursts remain among her biggest problems. Other neurological symptoms and seizure like problems continue to plague her. Concern about another head injury limits her further.

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Jenna T says:

THANK YOU!! I appreciate anyone who is willing to put themselves out there for the greater good. TBI is not the same as a concussion. The effects of a TBI are immense, education and awareness of these will have much benefit to society.

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