Post-whiplash symptoms can worsen over time
Regenerative Medicine specialist, Danielle Matias, PA-C, discusses a very common scenario that we see in our office every day: unresolved whiplash symptoms that have worsened and become increasingly disabling. She explains why this occurs and what Caring Medical does to help patients get to the bottom of why it occurred in their case and how to resolve it for good. Our Regenerative Medicine clinic specializes in difficult cases of cervical instability-related conditions, and resolving symptoms, and restoring function with Comprehensive H3 Prolotherapy. If you would like to discuss your case details with our team and see if you sound like a good fit for our clinics, we would love to help you! Email us directly at or through our website:
You can also call us at 239-308-4773 to speak with our team asap.
Caring Medical Florida is located in Fort Myers, Florida in the US. We treat patients who travel to our center from all around the globe, however, we do not treat all cases. If you are looking for our team to review your case and possibly see you in our center, you can contact us through, call us at 239-308-4773, or email
*Please understand that we cannot give specific outside referrals or online medical recommendations.
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*DISCLAIMER: As with any medical treatment, no guarantees or claims of cures are made as to the extent of the response to treatment that every person experiences. The video represents only the featured person/people’s experience or opinion. Every therapy/treatment has patients who experience varying levels of success and failure. Results may not be the same from patient to patient, even with a similar diagnosis, as the body’s internal status is unique to each individual patient.
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Regenerative Medicine specialist, Danielle Matias, PA-C, discusses a very common scenario that we see in our office every day: unresolved whiplash symptoms that have worsened and become increasingly disabling. She explains why this occurs and what Caring Medical does to help patients get to the bottom of why it occurred in their case and how to resolve it for good. Our Regenerative Medicine clinic specializes in difficult cases of cervical instability-related conditions, and resolving symptoms, and restoring function with Comprehensive H3 Prolotherapy. If you would like to discuss your case details with our team and see if you sound like a good fit for our clinics, we would love to help you! Email us directly at or through our website:
You can also call us at 239-308-4773 to speak with our team asap.
Caring Medical Florida is located in Fort Myers, Florida in the US. We treat patients who travel to our center from all around the globe, however, we do not treat all cases. If you are looking for our team to review your case and possibly see you in our center, you can contact us through…, call us at 239-308-4773, or email
*Please understand that we cannot give specific outside referrals or online medical recommendations.
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*DISCLAIMER: As with any medical treatment, no guarantees or claims of cures are made as to the extent of the response to treatment that every person experiences. The video represents only the featured person/people’s experience or opinion. Every therapy/treatment has patients who experience varying levels of success and failure. Results may not be the same from patient to patient, even with a similar diagnosis, as the body’s internal status is unique to each individual patient.
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Hit by a semi 3 days ago and it hurt to swallow, burp, yawn and yell. Fun stuff
Neck pain really has gotten worse; I use to take half of a percacet,To a full one, & diclofanac/gabbapentin prescription ointment, Now I use a 10 mlg THC beverage, wow 😉
My Whiplash Happened on 12/19/2002 and it is getting worse over-time. I was in a smaller truck fully loaded with bundles of heavy newspapers 220+bundles. Came 2 a red light fully stopped. There is a car right behind me, our lights stay red, Left lane turns Green its not our turn. Drivers turning left can we are going moving forward, we are still stopped. The person behind me see's a green Light then Go's, our light is still Red. Drops the clutch full power in to the back my work truck fully loaded, my head is pointed at the ceiling of cab then drops down. My neck felt like hot LAVA was poured on to my neck. I had dizziness and almost went out. Terrible Situation bad Driver. Wrong place at the wrong time. Now my injury if for Life.
After I got into a car crash it felt like I had a dumbell on the back of my neck when I bent over.
I thought I was losing my mind. I was involved in an accident almost 4 yrs ago I've had constant neck stiffness. I do neck stretches gone to about 4 different chiropractors and it hasn't felt any better. Now that I am working doing office work my fingers mainly my middle and index finger start to go numb. It happened when I first got in the accident also but I had stopped working prior to the accident and I was staying home. Now I'm getting that burning pain down my arm again numbness in my fingers and light headedness. I just want to feel better already.
I lost control at 120mph flip 5 times n came out with no broken bones I have this constant tightness and pain in my neck so I’m here just doing research
So should I get a MRI done or just try to get the X-ray done that they are talking about in this video? I have been suffering from this for years now and my doctor just recommended me to go to get a MRI but if that’s not even going to help figure it out then I need to get a different test done.
I thought I was recovering well after a hit to the head, until 1.5 months later I got a massage to see if it would help with a lingering headache. I have felt apathetic and very low energy, low cognitive ability since then. Not sure what to do next.
November 3rd 2019 two officers after arriving on scene with no reason but am I Douglas Holden SHOW US I.D.
Became their 5 false charges and them somersaults my body and two hopping on my stomach from about 4 feet in the air. destroyed this vessel. I need help all symptoms tinnitus extreme daily pain. seems intestines also twisted and throat strangulated by then took my air after falling landing on the body as mentioned knocking most all my air out. that was after they picked me up 2 one under each arm near rotator cuffs next chestceverything whole body cracked then when I broke their fall my head hit first at such a ne vertical angle .
I had lifted my head after they picked me up pleaded why are you doing…
they flipped me fell rode on my body then after arm bar to trache scarred too closed windpipe. think any help. no no no NO. I NEED HELP .
LAKEWOOD P.D. Monet we'll sue Lakewood after you shoe what happened and how still 11z16 headache niw shoulders long neck toast. Lakewood Washington destroyed me because I left and survived in the Cascades fir 4 months before feeling forced to return to Tacoma. where where they tried serving me for
I don't want you living in my home any more called cops for restrain order they were pissed they killed me for over 3 minutes neighbor saved my life brain fig feet hands frozen numb and spine everything way out of whack.near every second doing pop pop pooped of pain. cyclist 170 pounds now thank you… vendetta when someone calked them I was doing 2 yards. leaf blower in hand and strangulated about 4.5 minutes I saw the vision I was No I. In soul body spirit or astral body hovered below soul body me was 300 feet in the sky and my body not mine was pinned after hearing myself say after twice pleaded for air. "I Cant breathe in barley a whisper thats when he cut off my blood thanks n.d.e. near priceless. Ghandi. mhmm. no I cannot get any air self I guess I we have to die. And There's no death but body mind. anyhow. I have no doctor following. only daily complaints to family sick of me it pain daily and well tinnitus. Numb fingers feet etc etc etc I'll get money
but can you help or get me someone who can? thank you typos oh no.
Douglas Holden.
not to spam anyone 15,509 shares a site All Poetry Name above some shares of for documentation that maybe for evidence against Lakewood and those two the sergeant also guilty. h e l p. unlikely but sought here here I AM THAT THAT. PAPAJI THANK YOU
Guy ran a red light and hit me in the RF tire and now having whiplash issues. When I move my neck it sounds and feels like rice crispies. I do have the ringing in the ears and after time it causes pain just holding my head up after about 2-4 hours.
About 12 years ago, I was at a water park and I was swimming underwater when someone jumped in and landed right on my head and my neck bent horribly, but I didn't have a concussion or anything. I was fine right after, but I did have this excruciating pain behind my head every now and then. Recently, I just had it and although it's brief, it is painful. I now know I am suffering from whiplash. JESUS!
I had whiplash my neck was hurting so bad especially wen I moved it and my shoulder was dislocated it’s been 6 months after my car crash n I still have pain in my shoulder feel like a knife stuck wen I move it to much or lift heavy objects and my shoulder blade was hurting
My neck my back and it all hurts
I went to metal concert last night and after dancing and head banging in the first half hour I couldn’t hold my neck upright it became so tense. Now my neck is in pain and bending forward hurts as well as side to side. I look like Batman when I’m walking around.
hope you guys get better keep living
Where are you located now?
I was struck in the back of my head while sitting in a chair! It threw my head forward where my chin almost touched my chest. That was almost two months ago. Now I have severe pain in the middle of my neck and both my shoulders. I thought it was from sleeping with my head against the backboard but no way! I’ve never felt pain like this in my neck before. It’s been weeks but o don’t remember when the pain started! I purchased a nice sleeping pillow and it was better for a couple days but now using the pillow is just as painful as before! I wonder if I should go see a doctor now…
I had a bad whiplash back to my nasty fall
Its crazy how this condition becomes disabling. I went through the first year okay with chiropractors but now can barely walk and it even hurts to breathe. Please if your symptoms don’t improve see someone else!
It’s been like 2 years since my car accident and it still hurts
Great commentary on just some of what can happen post whip lash
Talk about weird symptoms! I lost my good health 3 years ago when the police chased someone into my rear end. Not certain about the speed, the police were definitely not truthful in this area, but i wouldn’t be surprised if their speed was close to 100mph while i was doing 37-38mph. I do know the impact was bad enough to break the computer in my engine, and i was even closer to the suv! My body is in very bad shape. Tho my xrays show a devastated neck and spine, doctors cant figure out a way to treat it so they say just live with it. Recently i was in the hospital for 8 days and the doctors were unaware of a prescription and they refused it the whole time i was there. Within 3 days my whole body stiffened and i have been suffering quite badly ever since. Even before the great stiffening, I was actually taken to the hospital after a bystander observed my back and they called 911 to report a seizure lol. Yeah, its THAT bad! Im so tired of this cycle, very hopeful prolotherapy may have aome answers!
what do yall think about PRP injection for whiplash, is it valid?
Car rear-end accident a yr ago and the pain is still just as fresh. 2 epidural, physical therapy for a yr and nothing is working. Do you have a clinic on the west coast
Can you have whiplash from doing the chin tuck and bending my neck backwards exercises. I was going to physical therapy all summer to correct my posture and doing these neck exercises. But in November I went to the dentist and few days later I woke up with a vertigo and headache and nausea. I believe the vertigo is caused by drillling but the head squeezing headaches and migraines can that be caused from injured ligaments from the exercises and that just that dentist appt aggravated it? i have 4 months of this nightmare that I can’t fix. I cry every other night as I cannot function. What should I do? I had MRI, MRA and MRI of c spine and everything. Came back normal .
This happened to me i felt fine for a little bit after a wreck just some minor headaches and blurry vision occasionally, then bam a month later my balance got so bad that it felt like my legs were sinking in quicksand.
I ran into my friend while playing basketball and now have whiplash from the impact could this be minor whiplash
On my way to my doctor about a whiplash a person pulled out in front of me..whiplash ×2..
20 years later slip and fall..whiplash Again! One year passed and I was rear ended at a red light! 4 months later..different red light..rear-ended AGAIN!
The dislocated and fractured hip has never caused pain like my head neck shoulders and in 2020 person turned left in front of me and then looked..again my neck..and my back..
49years old…any thoughts? I'm motivated..but brain a loss.
Need better body health. A body in motion stays in motion…I'm not going to give in..
Hi. Could sever coughing over years cause this¿ thanks