Severe Brain Injury Hampered Relationships
This video was made for our TBI Voices project. We interviewed thirty real life survivors of brain injury. In these interviews we talked to the survivors about how they became brain injured and who they were before their brain injury. We also talk about their recovery and what deficits they have encountered because of their brain injury.
What is it like socially in college for you?
Its like this, I would go to a party and I would try to like hang out with some friends, go to a party, I did have some friends. So I'd go to a party and everyone would go: "Oh, why aren't you drinking, you know, why aren't you drinking?" You know, I'm like: "Well, number one is I got in my car accident, I got a brain injury, almost died." I tell them the whole thing and, they're like: "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that." Not like they care, they don't care, nobody cares. So, that's it.
Now you, you said that you stayed with your girlfriend for a couple of years are you still together, when you start college?
We were together my entire freshman year at college and things started falling apart at the summer.
This video was made for our TBI Voices project. We interviewed thirty real life survivors of brain injury. In these interviews we talked to the survivors about how they became brain injured and who they were before their brain injury. We also talk about their recovery and what deficits they have encountered because of their brain injury.
What is it like socially in college for you?
Its like this, I would go to a party and I would try to like hang out with some friends, go to a party, I did have some friends. So I’d go to a party and everyone would go: “Oh, why aren’t you drinking, you know, why aren’t you drinking?” You know, I’m like: “Well, number one is I got in my car accident, I got a brain injury, almost died.” I tell them the whole thing and, they’re like: “Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.” Not like they care, they don’t care, nobody cares. So, that’s it.
Now you, you said that you stayed with your girlfriend for a couple of years are you still together, when you start college?
We were together my entire freshman year at college and things started falling apart at the summer.
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