Sexuality After Traumatic Brain Injury

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One of the areas that’s most affected by brain injury is the disconnection between a physical response and an intimate response. There is also a very strong impulsivity issue that impacts sexuality. We first learn the word inhibited in the context of sexuality, and in that context, it is often easier to understand the flip side of that, disinhibition. My interview with Lori on these complex issues continued:
Now you mentioned that you needed to feel desired and you were desired by the other man. But was it also a very impulsive type of interaction?

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Tony Anstatt says:

This issue goes much deeper, than Lori's (fellow CG Member) perspective. It was great that she provided hers, yet I personally know of the females in my own family, who've grown with their own POV. Coupled with this, there is the alternate male POV & GLBT perspectives – it is immensely deep! Cheers

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