Spasticity in Multiple Sclerosis
In this video I teach you about spasticity: stiff limbs that are hard to bend, painful cramps and spasms. To better understand spasticity, start watching right now!
When you want to bend your arm at the elbow (to eat a bite of food for example) your bicep muscles must contract (get shorter) and the tricep muscles on the other side of your arm must relax. You don't tell your tricep to relax, your brain and spinal cord do it for you. When you have MS damage to brain or spinal cord, sometimes the muscles of the limb (arm or leg) stop orchestrating their movements and start to BOTH contract at the same time. The result is spasticity, which manifests clinically in one of 3 ways: spasms (e.g. bouncing foot), painful cramps (like a charlie horse) and limbs that are stiff and hard to bend.
The Boster Center for Multiple Sclerosis accepts all major insurance carriers and accepts consults from around the globe, both in office and via telemedicine. or call 614-304-3444 to schedule!
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(Note: Originally recorded live broadcast via #Periscope)
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NOTE: Make sure to talk to your provider before ANY treatment decision. We hope to educate, empower and energize those impacted by Multiple Sclerosis. This channel consists of a collection of formal lectures and informal video clips about MS to help education others. These videos do not provide medical advice and are for informational/educational purposes only. The videos are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read or seen in any of our videos. They are just to help educate you about the condition guys!
In this video I teach you about spasticity: stiff limbs that are hard to bend, painful cramps and spasms. To better understand spasticity, start watching right now!
When you want to bend your arm at the elbow (to eat a bite of food for example) your bicep muscles must contract (get shorter) and the tricep muscles on the other side of your arm must relax. You don’t tell your tricep to relax, your brain and spinal cord do it for you. When you have MS damage to brain or spinal cord, sometimes the muscles of the limb (arm or leg) stop orchestrating their movements and start to BOTH contract at the same time. The result is spasticity, which manifests clinically in one of 3 ways: spasms (e.g. bouncing foot), painful cramps (like a charlie horse) and limbs that are stiff and hard to bend.
The Boster Center for Multiple Sclerosis accepts all major insurance carriers and accepts consults from around the globe, both in office and via telemedicine. or call 614-304-3444 to schedule!
COMMENT with your thoughts and questions below! I look forward to reading and responding!
(Note: Originally recorded live broadcast via #Periscope)
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NOTE: Make sure to talk to your provider before ANY treatment decision. We hope to educate, empower and energize those impacted by Multiple Sclerosis. This channel consists of a collection of formal lectures and informal video clips about MS to help education others. These videos do not provide medical advice and are for informational/educational purposes only. The videos are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read or seen in any of our videos. They are just to help educate you about the condition guys!
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I've learned more about what is going on with me from you than I have from pharma-sponsored info on the Internet, or anywhere else and I am more than grateful Dr. Boster.
I appreciate it so much!
My legs dont feel like a normal cramp. They feel like a snake has wrapped around my legs, and it is so very painful. Each night this happens, and now i dont want to lie down.
Tightening so hard around my legs each night. So very painful.
My hand loves to curl around soatulas when im stirring the pot for dinner.
Dr Boster. You continually help me feel safe and more knowledgeable. Thank you.
A dear friend said his regulsr use of his inexpensive, 2nd hand exercise bike got him thru the cramping "cycle". It wasn't needed as much after a years use. Said it was life changing & glad he stuck w/it.❤
Baclofen and Gabapentin just made my fatigue and depression worse, two symptoms I'm already dealing so I threw them out. My neurologist thinks I'm uncooperative. This April 2023 will be the 1 year anniversary since starting the Rituximab infusion therapy. My B cells have been destroyed and my MRI shows no new disease progression but my legs still feel almost completely dead? Exercise makes my symptoms worse so stretching is all I can do. Got any suggestions? Thanks
The tendons and ligament in my legs feel like piano wire that I can't loosen with finger massage.
What causes sudden muscle melting
Is spasticity constant? My cramps come and go, so it makes me wonder if it's something different
I’m waiting on an MRI of my brain but I’m having spasticity in my lower back – like constant Charlie horses/cramps & spasms – and I’m now walking with a cane and looking at buying a walker. Bending over is painful as well, sometimes just breathing ‘wrong’ causes my lower back to begin a Charlie horse. It is severely painful and I was on Diclofenac but now am on Gabapentin and I requested Bacoflen from my dr and he agreed but when I picked up my prescription it wasn’t Bacoflen but instead it was Cyclobenzaprine…none of these seem to be helping much. What can I do?!
QUESTION: Does specify affect the enter this, and the bottom of feet?
Very helpful 00
why to I find I get spasticity when I have walked more and been more active then not
Thanks Doc….I'm learning a lot about Ms watching your videos. I haven't learned this much in 20yrs
Is botox in the bladder helpful?
The AI of smartphones is scary. I have been wary of baclofen (and meds in general) for the duration of my MS journey….but my new doctor prescribed a low dose at bedtime and….wow. Didn't realize the extent to which spasticity was wrecking my sleep! And like clockwork i open YouTube and there you are (from 4 years ago),with what I tell friends (and fellow MS patients, old and new) is the "friendly, knowledgeable, funny and patient accessible…. Boster Booster.' Thanks for taking some of the scary edge off having MS with these videos!
I am wondering if the constant stiffness of my feet is spasticity. A year ago or so i could feel muscles relax, while others tightened when i walked. Now they all feel tight most of the time.
18 years with MS and never knew my leg cramping had to do with MS, Thanks for these informative videos, I have learned a lot.
I've noticed cramps any where from head to toes one cramps causes another even in my tongue. Picking up things with handles electric shocks, arm where meets back goes numb in a strip. Muscle flutters up to apple size. Hot water feels like fire to me wife says its not hot. And more like a squiggly spot in eye like the opposite of light flashed black in color not white like lights do, and tail bone vibrates or flutter. What ya think I'm getting tested as soon as can so many similar things.
I've had a baclofen pump (actually four different ones) for about 26yrs now and it's helpoed me be more active
You are truly wonderful Dr. I’m learning so much more than from my own Neuro. Thank you so much for your efforts to bring these videos to all of us.
I find that gabapentin has helped me with what I call restless feelings in my back and legs. My MS doctor prescribed baclofen but with the gabapentin relief comes alot faster
Cool thanks
Dr. Boster. Can Spasticity create a quick, almost jerky sensation that thrusts the stomach forward, relaxing back into a natural position after a little bit of time. It is not a constant movement and seems to have no real pattern. Thank-you.
Believe me from PROOF that the Baclofen Medicine Pump WORKS AWESOME and Contact the Ohio Health MS Clinic and discuss your options for it.. You will Not be Sorry about it one bit!
How dare anyone that gave the thumbs down for this video. When Dr Boster is taking his free time from his family to offer help and explanations of spasticity. How Rude Of you 5 individuals
This guy is a genius he is right on every subject that relates to spasticity, I just got one question I have a Botox appointment with the doctor soon they suggested that are needed because I have more muscles in one part of my leg and it's stopping my legs from bending because they're firing at the same time so they said that in order to get better you will have to weekend one muscle so the other muscle can fire also, I really need a opinion if this sounds correct
I have recently found ur videos & so thankful to u for sharing ur advice & knowledge. I've was diagnosed w MS nearly 30 yrs ago while still in High School. Years of RRMS have certainly taken a toll. However, this past Oct (nearly a yr ago) I had a major exacerbation, I'm NOT feeling relief, I felt that at that time it was as if I'd been in a major "car crash" & the damage was done… This MS flare was so severe & I've been in agony since. Spasticity is extreme, I've spent months in PT w/ no relief, complete foot drop, taking baclofen for yrs, I'm at my wits end 😩 During flare, I went thru IV Solumedrol for a wk w oral prednisone to step down, been on Tecfidera. I'm so spastic, no sleep, so scared… No relief, worst yr of my life & feel like nobody understands 😔 I don't know what else to do, Thoughts…PS I've literally done yr suggestions, am I now in SPMS? secondary progressive?