Spasticity – The who, why, when and how (Dr. Theodore Wein) – Canadian Stroke Best Practices

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Canadian Stroke Best Practice Recommendations Webinar Series

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Spasticity – The who, why, when and how

Theodore Wein MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor of Neurology and Neurosurgery, McGill University
Stroke Prevention Clinic, Montreal General Hospital

Intended Audience
Healthcare providers caring for stroke patients across all settings (acute, rehabilitation, prevention, community), system leaders and funders involved in planning and service delivery for people impacted by stroke, Heart and Stroke staff, students from across health-related disciplines, and researchers.

About this presentation
Spasticity is a common post-stroke condition which can affect the muscles in arms, legs, hands and feet. With spasticity, muscles become stiffer and tight, with loss of voluntary movement, increased pain, and may become continuously contracted without treatment. This leads to a loss in range of motion which may impact the affected person’s ability to perform activities of daily living and may require additional caregiver support and effort. Spasticity often leads to frustration and slows recovery because it impacts active participation. Several factors need to be considered when assessing and managing people post-stroke who exhibit signs of spasticity. Traditionally, spasticity is assessed and treated during rehabilitation several days after stroke onset. Current thinking is changing and assessment and treatment should occur earlier in the recovery process.

In this presentation, Dr. Theodore Wein will review current literature and best practice on assessment and management of spasticity, including identification of patients who experience spasticity, how to assess them, when to treat them and how to treat them, as well as ongoing management.

Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this program participants will be able to:
1. Identify spasticity in the stroke population
2. Recognize that spasticity does occur in the acute setting
3. Discuss the importance of early detection and treatment

The information is intended for use by healthcare professionals for reference and education only and is not intended to be a substitute for a physician’s advice, diagnosis or treatment. You should consult your physician for personal health matters.

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JohnTodd Ferris says:

This was a great lecture. All health care providers can take something away from this. The online platform was solid, and I didn’t have any problems logging on. Looking forward to the next webinar.

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