Speech Therapy After Post Traumatic Brain Injury

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For TJ’s parents, it is the neurobehavioral extremes that have been the biggest challenge. TJ doesn’t share that insight. For him it is a concrete problem of frustration stemming from communication failures.
What’ll make you angry?
If people don’t understand me, I get mad.
And when you say your understanding, is it your voice?
My speech.
Now, you went through speech pathology?
I’m going through it again.
How many times have you been to speech pathology?
One time and now I’m doing it again.When I first went, I couldn’t really talk.
When did you start to be able to talk again?
I don’t know, a while after…
Did they explain to you why you were having trouble talking?
Just from the coma.
Is it a problem with the way you use the muscles in your mouth and your tongue, or injuries to your face?
To the muscles, the way they’re being used.


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batz capo says:

your video was posted a couple years ago but I'd like to say that the person in the video is an inspiration to me. I have not been injured in any way but sometimes I get down about little things in life, meaningless things. I hope he is even further recovered from his injury at this time. Peace 

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