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http://braininjuryhelp.com 1-800-992-9447 This is part of our TBI voices project where we interviewed 20 survivors of brain injury. We talked to them about some of the deficits they have encountered since their injury and how [More]
http://braininjuryhelp.com 800-992-9447 Executive functioning deficits typically deal with 3 areas. The first would be goals the second would be flexibility and the third would be time management. Clearly a C.E.O has to do more than [More]
Watch the first chapter FREE: https://www.medbridgeeducation.com/courses/details/concussion-vestibular-abnormalities-and-ocular-motor-examination Concussion: What Acute Sign Is Most Important? – Susan Whitney, DPT, PhD, NCS, ATC, FAPTA and Anne Mucha, DPT, MS, NCS | Read the FREE article: http://www.medbridgeeducation.com/blog/2015/12/concussion-what-acute-sign-is-most-important/ — Connect [More]
http://braininjuryhelp.com 1-800-992-9447 The first major step towards recovery for Helena was the neuropsychologist. She explains: That was a very, very good experience. He spent time with me beforehand. I went through this four or five [More]
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