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Hi Health & Wellness Lovers!👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 Let’s face it – there’s a low barrier to getting the right treatment solution for that bacterial infection. I’m a wellness products snob, I vividly remember one of my college [More]
Introduction to a series of brief videos by Dr. Jim Hopper & Kat Duesterhaus on brain-based behaviors and memory processes that are common during sexual assaults and other traumas.
By Colleen Worsley Educational Talk April 3, 2024
110-minute version (don’t worry, it’s very engaging!) of Dr. Hopper’s most popular and high-impact training for investigators, prosecutors, higher ed administrators, etc. More at https://www.jimhopper.com/sexual-assault/
Join Dr. Mark Schwartz as he shares his years of specified expertise with Masters and Johnson’s Dr .Masters and Psychologist John Money in the field of childhood sexual trauma and resulting maladaptive adult behaviors, sexual [More]
NOTE FROM TED: This talk contains a discussion of child sexual abuse and suicide. TEDx events are independently organized by volunteers. The guidelines we give TEDx organizers are described in more detail here: http://storage.ted.com/tedx/manuals/tedx_content_guidelines.pdf Can [More]
Ways to support the channel https://teespring.com/stores/kev-hicks-shirt-collection https://www.gofundme.com/kevhick https://www.patreon.com/KevHick https://www.paypal.me/kevhick Follow my Instagram @ https://www.instagram.com/kevhick24/ Follow my twitter @ https://twitter.com/kev_hick For Phone consultation prices write talkwithkevhick@gmail.com For e-mail advice write kevhicktalksguyswithgirls@gmail.com Visit my blog and subscribe [More]
Health care providers in NY now asked to screen domestic and sexual violence patients for traumatic brain injuries
Brief presentation for a roundtable discussion led by Tavia Grant of The Globe and Mail, part of the #AfterMeToo campaign to transform how the entertainment industry deals with sexual assault and harassment. More at https://jimhopper.com/sexual-assault-and-the-brain/
Regardless of illness or disability, 40-50% of people in the general population have a sexual concern. That increases with a chronic illness or a disability, like spinal cord injury. When it comes to sexual health, [More]
Charlotta Bergström, RN, Karolinska Institute, Solna, Sweden and Danderyds Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden, highlights the issue of sexual function in young adults following a brain tumor diagnosis. Few studies in young adults with brain tumors have [More]
VFW Commander-in-Chief William A. Thien testifies before a joint hearing of the Committees on Veterans Affairs United States Senate and United States House of Representatives Wednesday, March 5, 2014. In this clips he addresses PTSD/TBI/Military [More]
Child abuse, including child sexual abuse, can lead to post traumatic stress disorder. http://www.carrierclinic.org presents this video for people concerned about child welfare and adult survivors of child abuse, specifically childhood sexual abuse. What are [More]
The 3-Step Method to help you address sexual health issues in rehabilitation professionally. The 3-step method is that you couch the question in a way that normalizes it for the client. “Many people with a [More]
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