TBI (Gun Shot To The Head) And Stroke Survivor And Coach Shares Her Journey
Erica Renee had recently celebrated her 21st birthday, but tragically two days later, she sustained a Traumatic Brain Injury from a gunshot wound to her head and stroke to her right side.
However, that didn’t deter God from turning her storm into sunshine. She has since graduated from college, became an Author, International Speaker, Producer, TBI Coaching Consultant, and Host of her online platform, TBI UNcovered.
Erica Renee had recently celebrated her 21st birthday, but tragically two days later, she sustained a Traumatic Brain Injury from a gunshot wound to her head and stroke to her right side.
However, that didn’t deter God from turning her storm into sunshine. She has since graduated from college, became an Author, International Speaker, Producer, TBI Coaching Consultant, and Host of her online platform, TBI UNcovered.
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