The Impact Of Covid-19 On Brain Injury Survivors

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In this episode of Brain Injury Insider, host Michael Kaplen discusses the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on brain injury survivors, and the considerations that must be given by caregivers, loved ones, and those interacting with TBI survivors during these unprecedented times.

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Laura Kaminer says:

I just looked this up via search. It’s all so hard. The hardest is that people don’t understand.

4running away says:

hi thank you for your channel
the masks still bother me and also my dog
i do not have great communication skills and the masks confuse me as we know they do not actually do anything to protect and they do not allow me to read peoples expressions which i have been relying on to understand peoples intent
now people are simply hiding behind them

Nanette Paulson Perkins says:

Thank you so much! I was a pedestrian that was hit by a car on 7/3/21 and knocked out. I had a brain sheer in my left parietal lobe and concussions in the frontal lobe. I am very reactive to stress, swear a whole lot more, and my fight or flight response is a lot more than ever. My husband does not understand this is a head injury issue. We both got Covid in Jan 2022. I ordered the free gov't covid tests and when I was going to use it, I saw it said to not use it if a person had a brain injury within 6 mos. What the heck? What do these at home covid tests have in them that can get into the brain, and the rest of the body??? This is scary! I have read that having covid can exacerbate a brain injury but I cannot get any more info than that. Do you have info? Thanks for helping us all!

Bill Xmas says:

Appreciation your time and effort in Sharing your Knowledge on this very serious subject,
Only one small criticism which isnt about the Subject,
But your Delivery on the Subject,
the quickly changing camera Angles through out your presentation was a bit much atleast for me .
But thank you for what you are doing .

Sidnie Greenfield says:

Incredibly helpful. Thank-you so much for creating this.

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