The Many Faces of Traumatic Brain Injury

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Mackenzie Dog says:

I've deliberately denied diagnosis, left in van wreck. Total amnesia for six months. Heaps of mental health specialist pressure, a visiting doc put me on food powder cis I'd lost ten kilo. Hadn't eaten a meal. Still haven't six years later but survive on that food powder in creek water. Still begging for help. Help still denied. Age 60 now. Solitary confinement as treatment.

Kristina Turner says:

I have TBI that was misdiagnosed and I do not remember half my life as a result.

Miss Rocky says:

I'm sorry to comment so much. I just need to know, if anybody else out there, since their TBI, have become highly empathetic with a horrible streak of rage?❤

Miss Rocky says:

I'm very scarred for my brother though. He has a major TBI from hitting an IED & now he's the angriest person I know. He's not the same. I hate what he signed up for, that did this to him.🥺

Miss Rocky says:

I just heard how u have to work hard to be normal, after a TBI. This is true. However, I've always been more like, "Abby Normal". This causes me to not care about seeming normal to others. If my profession was different, I can understand feeling nervous about coming across "different".❤

Miss Rocky says:

I remember hearing about Trisha's story. I'm so very happy she made it through. My friends & I were talking about grabbing some weapons & heading to the park to stake out attackers & jump em😊❤

Feed Me To My Enemies says:

Amazing people. Im suffering daily and hearing these people made me feel connected. Thank you

Jeannette cowley says:

A couple of decades ago, my daughter, who was in her twenties, was beaten unscious by a stranger with a metal object, she was saved from death because she was wearing a wig, which obviously cushioned the blows.But, she lost a lot of her hearing, and later developed Addisons disease.But, she is married, and works part time.This is in the UK, and to be honest the police weren't that interested, and he was never found, also, apart from the initial hospitalisation, she has had no help, just struggles with her life, and has a lot of pain.

Ms. Jewell says:

I'm a veteran and begging for help because something is not right with me

D Blessed says:

This video was posted in 2012.
It is now 2019. And from these testimonies NOTHING has changed in diagnosing, follow up, and treatment for patients with mTBI.
I had a mTBI Jan. 2017; a concussion from a mva. So as a new patient looking for help:
I found nurses and doctors insisting on a psychological disorder and decided on looking for a brain tumor when all I was having were symptoms from swelling in the brain as a consequence of the concussion.

Up to this date, First Responders, ER drs, even neurologists themselves treating patients with mTBI do a terrible job and patients are left to find help on their own.

There are many treatments out as far back as 20 even 30 years!
For example drs in the visual field have studies showing that patients benefit from visual treatment for a prompt recovery.
Yet drs tell the patients to ‘wait it out’.
As patients we cannot give up looking for better future for ourselves. Never stop searching.

Tusini He22 says:

Thank-you for this video. The testimonies all confirmed what I had gone through for three decades. The deficits you described are accurate. It is comforting to watch this video and get confirmation that my thoughts in the past three decades have not been due to a biological condition (bipolar) but in fact the inability to distinguish clearly between what is real versus what is not real (memory recollection) was primarily due to memory loss as a result of TBI suffered at the age of 15 years – perhaps even younger. I did not receive medical treatment for my TBI nor was it every diagnosed. TBI if suffered without witnesses becomes difficult to recognise – especially if you haven't heard about Traumatic Brain Injury and are not familiar with the symptoms yourself so that you can seek help for treatment yourself (as it was in my case). A fall (deliberately cause by other people for example and bumps to the head, left untreated) will cause disruption with cognition processes – as it did mine. However, I dismissed it as me being overly tired, working long hours, working night-shifts, not being able to pay the bills, not being able to care for my children sufficiently and it became a huge ball of stress that continued to build-up due to all these factors. My family did not know I had had these falls because I could not remember that I had fallen because my memory had been affected. Therefore treatment was far from nearby. The dilemma I have now that I have exited the brain fog is – had I received treatment asap would that have affected my healing time. because often I would find myself wondering – had I received treatment sooner, perhaps I would have been out of my own personal brain fog sooner and lived a better life. Since my own TBI experience – I have become familiar with individuals with possible TBI symptoms. You can say – I have eyes for TBI symptoms – My dilemma now is trying to convince others about the possibility of these individuals who I suspect has TBI – to take them to get a check-up. Sadly, these individuals are simply being dismissed as having anger issues and other biological/environmental related issues … which is probably not the case at all. Sigh. However, I am thankful for all the awareness campaigns over the years re: Traumatic Brain Injuries. Thanks again for this video. 10/10 🙂 xo

Empire Cases says:

I watch a number of these youtube videos to better understand my own TBI, the term TBI covers a broad spectrum of the of brain related injuries which can be very misunderstood by those around the people who have TBI. Its encouraging to see more of thee videos that can help those who don't realize what people deal with after having a brain injury. I wish people would be less apathetic and blatantly ignorant towards people they know who have had these types of injuries because from my personal experiences they are as much of the problem anyone who does suffer from TBI as the daily struggle one has with trying to deal with trying to live there life as normally as possible, in  fact most of the time when someone does ignore you having a brain injury because they don't see blood gushing from your head or see you suffering from broken bones act as if your causing them a problem or simply refuse to acknowledge you have anything wrong with you. The people who should know you most seem to have forgot who you were or what you once were capable of and even take advantage of that, they seem to find a weakness and then stick a knife in and twist so you get more angry, frustrated, feeling annoyed and your self respect and dignity quickly vanishes to the point you resent those who you thought were the people who you could trust.  I would like to learn more about the ways some who have decided to isolate themselves from the people who pick on their disabilities in a almost brutal and negligent way, how someone with TBI should deal with them or what is a better solution to avoiding those who should know better than isolating yourself from them.
Sorry to be critical but the presentation is a bit dry, I think anyone watching that doesn't have a direct interest might loose interest and not absorb it all.

simosc2 says:

thank you…I see there is hope

Michael Black says:

Please join a social network for those that have been touched by traumatic brain injury. 

Debra McCusker says:

I have one recommed dation ……unfortunatley you have to use their inept doctor ho don't know Domestic Violence.

Williams Law Association says:

"A silent epidemic," seems like an accurate phrase to use when discussing TBI as the symptoms can persist long after an injury has occurred.

dorrin rosenfeld says:

I am an Upper Cervical Chiropractor because of my TBI in 1985. After 1 & 1/2 yrs in a special long-term care head-injure hospital, I went to a lot of trouble to leave because I knew it was time to return to my life, but I had no idea how damaged I still was. Luckily, I met a Chiropractor in a 3rd-world country and entered Chiropractic School. My life was permanently changed. I want to ask you a simple question I'm surprised they don't consider in this video – how is it possible to traumatically injure your brain and not the brain stem? Upper Cervical Chiropractic is a necessary avenue to explore in cases of TBI and often greatly helps these cognitive problems we face…

WYNK Gmail Info says:

Why are more people not aware, the invisible pain and injury is far worse than any other.
I have often said I would be better off with a broken arm as at least people would not bump into me or would be more considerate. Even worse, why do insurance companies and the medical profession treat TBI with the same disregard as the average person on the street,

Sydney Booth says:

I have a tbi, but I go to a 4 year college because I refuse to let my injury beat me!!

Rachel Gless says:

It is crazy how people can be so cruel to people with tbi because they don't see the problem.

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