Oftentimes, memory problems that service members experience are due to a loss of concentration and distraction, problems with sleep, headache, and post-traumatic stress.
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Uploaded by Shirley King on June 9, 2022 at 9:46 am
Oftentimes, memory problems that service members experience are due to a loss of concentration and distraction, problems with sleep, headache, and post-traumatic stress.
Oftentimes, memory problems that service members experience are due to a loss of concentration and distraction, problems with sleep, headache, and post-traumatic stress.
This explains A LOT
I am not gonna lie, the sky sound like hes making the entire scenario up.
I do that and can’t remember thigns!
I feel that the brain after PTSD is more concerned about any threatening scenarios and is on auto pilot so to speak, seeking to avoid a repeat of the same situation that created the mental/emotional shock/lack of security void. The brain needs to feel secure again and again to kind of drift back to relaxed state and then grow towards concentration in other normal non-treat scenarios like remembering names,stories…But the brains needs the comfort of security first.
Try to erase some episodes from your traumatic memories https://youtu.be/UPQRaRcvuw0
I can't agree with this theory. I have PTSD because of experiencing a certain trauma, 28 years ago, while in the military. Every time I experience a flashback, I literally feel like I was 19 years old again. I can describe every sound, smell, motion of the ship under my feet, the color and brightness of the sky, even the people that were there and what they each were wearing. My focus was certainly not on these things and I have never remembered the level of detail in any memory after that day. While focus makes a huge impact on say, remembering the name of someone I just meet, it is so very different when it becomes PTSD.
Using this memory loss treatment method “shocking cuno press” (Google it) is pleasurable enough. They are very challenging and I hope utilizing these tips help improve my memory and focus. I`m thankful to think that this procedure draws my loved ones as well. Due to this, I find my memory functions faster..
While I don't have any doubt this message is true, and my memory for facts is better than ever, so that it almost seems as if I gained additional capability in that area after my brain injury, my contextual memory (event memory?) only lasts a few weeks for the most memorable events in my life since my injury, and often I cannot recall how I spent a day by evening, even though I can answer detailed questions about things I learned. Worse, I unconsciously make up false events to explain why I know what I know. If I did not spend much of my functional awake time scanning documents, tagging them for future lookups, and keeping a journal throughout each day (which I scan and tag also), I would have no sense of personal history at all. It feels as if my life stopped when a car hit my bicycle 35 months ago.