There's no such thing as a "mild, severe, or grade II" concussion.

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You’ll often hear folks (even neurologists) say, “Oh, it was just a mild concussion” or “that was a severe concussion,” but neither of those descriptors actually tells us anything in 2024. There’s no such thing as a mild, severe, or “grade II” concussion—at least, not anymore. Nowadays, it’s just “concussion.” You sustain one, or you don’t. But that can leave folks confused about their injury and symptoms. In this session, Dr. Mark will break down:

1) Mild vs. Moderate vs. Severe Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
2) Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (mTBI) & Concussion
3) Concussion vs. Whiplash
4) The treatment options for concussion

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