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Just six months removed from suffering a traumatic brain injury, an Appleton teen is spending his 16th birthday at the Shirley Ryan Ability Lab in Chicago For more Local News from WBAY: https://www.wbay.com/ For more [More]
By: Katherine Inge, Ph.D., O.T.R., Carolyn Graham, Ph.D. This webcast covered the findings from a study using Facebook to provide information on employment evidence-based practices to individuals with traumatic brain injury (TBI). Two groups of [More]
Health and Speech is a Long Island based private practice dedicated to helping adults and seniors with speech, language, cognitive, & swallowing disorders due to a Stroke or Parkinson’s Disease. ​​🌱 ​ Our mission is [More]
Join SameYou as we embark on the journey back to work! In part 2 of 3 of the video series on Returning to Work After a Brain Injury, Dr. Giles Yeates—a consultant clinical neuropsychologist, guides [More]
After falling from his bike and suffering a traumatic head injury, a Central Florida boy has become an advocate for bike helmet safety.
Welcome to Holding Life Together, – Attempting to bike was fantastic, attempt, not biking. Yet. – We appreciate your feedback!! Personal Questions, Ideas, and Feedback: Trisha@holdinglifetogether.com Other sources, Website: HoldingLifeTogether.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/holdinglifetogether?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet&igsh=ZDNlZDc0MzIxNw== TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@holdinglifetogether?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc Hashtags: [More]
Module VI: Traumatic Brian Injury & Employment The Incidence & Prevalence of Brain Injury Definition of Brain Injury in Iowa Code Brain Injury & Behavioral Relationships Brain Injury & Impact on Cognition Cognitive Challenges After [More]
Return to work after a concussion/brain injury is complex, as recovery can fluctuate. 💡Finding the right accommodation can often help an employee with multiple symptoms. For example: 🧑‍💻Wednesdays are meeting free days. This allows employees [More]
This short film will introduce you to rehabilitation at the Centre for Brain Injury Rehabilitation. We hope that the information informs you about this stage of the brain injury rehabilitation journey. The video can help [More]
🤔 Did you know? In Ontario, 500,000 people live with brain injuries and 150,000 concussions are diagnosed yearly. Learn how to create a tailored return-to-work plan with our online training program. To learn more: https://braininjuryandreturntowork.ca/employer-program/ [More]
💤A little bit of rest goes a long way… If you’re having trouble sleeping at night because you are overwhelmed with the return to work process after sustaining a concussion/brain injury. OBIA can help!✅ Our [More]
https://brainlaw.com/brain-injuries/how-to-win/ In this episode of Brain Injury Insider, host Michael Kaplen lists some of the spurious arguments put forward by defense attorneys in brain injury cases, and discusses the counter arguments which ensure successful litigation [More]
New Cutting Edge Technologies For Brain Recovery Just a few years ago, my life was completely turned upside down. My brain couldn’t process light or sound — I suffered from panic attacks, anxiety, depression, migraines, [More]
Dr. Neepa Patel of Rush University Medical Center explains Parkinson’s disease, its symptoms and risk factors, and any possible links to concussions and collision sports. —————————————————————————– CBS 2 News Chicago brings you breaking news, weather, [More]
If you or a loved one suffered a head injury and work and things haven’t been right since, talk to you doctor immediately. Workers comp brain injury benefits are some of the most extensive available, [More]
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