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Watch/listen/read the full episode here: 📹 YouTube https://youtu.be/7yY7AEYicgw 🎙️ Podcast https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/mujk6kbw9nrvwtm5/199_ESI_Tobias_Engel_AUDIObdtgg.mp3 ✍️ Show notes & transcript http://torierobinson.com/epilepsy-sparks-insights/tobias-engel-p2x7-receptor-tbi-epilepsy —————————————— Tobias Engel talks about potentially preventing seizures and epilepsy caused by Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)! He discusses [More]
A 13-year-old boy was declared brain dead, and doctors prepared to donate his organs. His family had already signed the consent papers. Then, just hours before the procedure, something unbelievable happened—he woke up! 😨 How [More]
Join host Nick Schnyder as he sits down with renowned attorney Blade Thompson for a deep dive into the world of personal injury law. Together, they unpack critical issues surrounding brain trauma in sports, the [More]
In today’s Hello Dotor, we speak to Dr Vernon Velho, Prof. & Head – Dept. of Neurosurgery on Head Injury & Stroke. #HelloDotor #Lifestyle #Doctor #Health #Accident #HeadInjury #Stroke Timescode 00:00 – Startup 00:15 – [More]
Interested in becoming a ⭐️ student and making learning easier? Try out a free 3-day trial of our membership 👇 linktr.ee/MasterYourMedics We also have an EMT exclusive membership called EMT Mastery, check it out here!👇 [More]
Watch the insights on “What are the types of traumatic brain injuries?” by – Dr. Tarak Nath Das, Consultant Emergency Medicine, Apollo Hospitals. The different types of TBI are: 1. Closed brain injury – Closed [More]
Corey Beattie suffered a traumatic brain injury following a violent car crash in the fall of 2010. Now the 23-year-old is working with University of Delaware researcher Cole Galloway and others using a cutting-edge harness [More]
The National Library of Medicine estimates 300,000 sports-related concussions happen each year. Sports are one of the leading causes of traumatic brain injuries in people ages 15-24. Read more here: https://ktvo.com/news/local/traumatic-brain-injuries-in-sports-whats-being-done-to-protect-athletes# For more about this [More]
In this heartfelt and funny Reddit story, a woman shares the adorable mistake her boyfriend made after recovering from a brain injury. From relearning how to speak after being in a coma, to a laugh-out-loud [More]
The risk of epilepsy is high after head injury. It may take few years of treatment for permanant cure,
Welcome to Episode 37 of the Warrior Words podcast!   Nick’s Prefontaine’s parents were told that he would never walk or talk again. Well, he’s a guest on the podcast, so at least half of [More]
A man from Troy is the survivor of a deadly car crash that left him with a severe brain injury. He’s now being honored at this weekend’s March On for Brain Injury Walk. He and [More]
A unique treatment treats Meth recovery as traumatic brain injuries.
► Sign up here and try our FREE content: http://lectur.io/freecontentyt ► If you’re an medical educator or faculty member, visit: http://lectur.io/medytb2u ► THIS VIDEO will walk you through the essential differences between epidural and subdural [More]
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