Transition to Full Time Work After Severe Traumatic Brain Injury
I wanted to talk to you specifically about your work. You spent a lot of effort to get a college degree.
You did well in college; your grades were considerably better than they were the first time you went to college, before you got hurt.
Well over a B average when you went back the second time.
UWO yeah I was over a 3.3.
What was your degree in?
Human services, I have a problem (in the) community.
Is that social work?
No, it's how to, it's like, I guess you can compare it with being CNA, which is this, which is just below an LPN. They're the ones that handle all the grunt work. That's basically what, we're not. If we want to become a social worker we just have to take a, I think it's a political science class and we can get certified.
When you graduated in 1998, did you have any success in getting a job?
I worked. I was working at United Cerebral Palsy in Oshkosh, and then I got a full-time job with a group home, but I had problems.
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I wanted to talk to you specifically about your work. You spent a lot of effort to get a college degree.
You did well in college; your grades were considerably better than they were the first time you went to college, before you got hurt.
Well over a B average when you went back the second time.
UWO yeah I was over a 3.3.
What was your degree in?
Human services, I have a problem (in the) community.
Is that social work?
No, it’s how to, it’s like, I guess you can compare it with being CNA, which is this, which is just below an LPN. They’re the ones that handle all the grunt work. That’s basically what, we’re not. If we want to become a social worker we just have to take a, I think it’s a political science class and we can get certified.
When you graduated in 1998, did you have any success in getting a job?
I worked. I was working at United Cerebral Palsy in Oshkosh, and then I got a full-time job with a group home, but I had problems.
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