Traumatic Head Injury: Emergency Signs, First Aid & Treatment | Kailash Hospital Sector 27 Noida

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On the occasion of Brain Injury Awareness Month, Dr. Varun Bhargava, Sr. Consultant Neurosurgeon at Kailash Hospital talks about head injury, related complications & emergency treatment options. According to the doctor, generally, head injuries are caused during- road accidents, sudden falls, fights & riots and sports. There are two categories of head injuries- Serious Head Injury and General Head Injury. The impact of head injury is measured with the help of the Glasgow coma scale. At Kailash Hospital, treatments are available for all kinds of head injuries. Specialists at Kailash Hospital render their personalized and international standard surgical care.

In case of any emergency signs of Head Injury, Call our 24X7 Ambulance – 9990444444
Consult our Neurosurgeons-
Call: 0120-2444444/ 2466879

#HeadInjury #BrainInjury #BrainInjuryTreatment #Neurosurgery #KailashHospital #HeadInjurySymptoms

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Noorzameen khan says:

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dadal sheeno says:

اس میں فرسٹ ایڈ کہاں ھے ڈاکٹر صاحب

Masroor Ah says:

Sir from last two years i have one side head pain .i take lot of medicine. But no cure.

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