Treating mTBI 1: Introduction

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Over 75% of traumatic brain injuries are so-called mild injuries (mTBIs), often known as concussions. Most people recover completely and are fully functional within two weeks. In about ten percent of cases, however, and especially where there has been repeated injury, symptoms can persist and alter the lives of the affected individuals and their families. Cognitive deficits, memory problems, emotional outbursts, impulsive and erratic behavior, sleep problems, headaches, and other issues can make mTBI much more than a “mild” condition.

Compounding the problem is the alarming prevalence of misdiagnosis, which is due largely to the lack of a reliable physical test for mTBI (it often does not register on CATs, MRIs, etc.). This misdiagnosis results in improper treatments, wasted resources, and an untold amount of difficulty, doubt and confusion for the individual who has sustained the injury.

This video series, which features expert interviews, informative graphics, and discussions with those affected by mTBI, is intended to educate physicians and other medical professionals, education administrators, coaches and other sports supervisors, disability and human resources departments, and, most importantly, individuals and their families who are adjusting to life with mTBI, about all aspects of the condition – from brain science to support groups to proper diagnosis to injury care and prevention.

Our thanks to the US Dept. of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration, Maternal and Child Health Bureau, and the State of New Mexico for providing funding. This video was produced and provided by the New Mexico Aging and Long Term Services Department’s Brain Injury program, and can be freely duplicated in its entirety including all disclaimers and licensing notifications.

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