Understanding Aphasia – A communication difficulty caused by brain injury

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Understanding Aphasia – A communication disorder caused by brain injury.

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Aphasia is a complex condition which varies in every individual. Some have difficulty understanding speech, some find it hard to talk, while others have difficulty reading and writing. In cases of severe aphasia all these four modes of communicating can be significantly affected.

Millions of people suffer from aphasia around the world, largely due to a 30% prevalence in stroke survivors. How much do we really understand the impact on people’s lives? What can we do to improve the quality of life for people with aphasia? It’s time that this population has a voice. It starts with awareness, breaking down misconceptions. It needs to conclude with a challenge of how we can better support people with aphasia, so they can feel connected and integrated into their communities.

The video comes in a short and extended version. We invite you to use either video as a tool to educate others, particularly in the health sector, where our care can only be enhanced by good communication.

Please share this link with friends, family and colleagues and help raise awareness.

Aphasia: FIND the opportunity, MAKE the difference

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John Murphy says:

my 32 yo daughter had a stroke recently and this hurts a lot.

Gediminas says:

Is there way to regenerate communication center in the brain?

kalahermitcrab says:

Wow, it made me cry. I'm currently studying a course in cognitive neuropsychology  about Aphasia and this video  demonstrated very clearly how people are affected by it. Thank you

J Edwards says:

I think it's a brilliant little documentary, so thought provoking and informative. I am nurse trained and have cared for people after strokes;- I'm retired now but wish I'd seen this film years ago as I would have done my job so much better. Thank you.

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