VA Exam : TBI/Concussion

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This is a quick video about what to expect during your compensation and disability exam for the VA.

1. Have a general idea of when your symptoms started. Some symptoms might appear as soon as you have the initial concussion. Other symptoms might take longer to appear. Also, be able to discuss if you had the symptoms before the concussion or not. For example, if you claim headaches, you need to be able to show that they increased as a result of a concussion .

2. Be able to discuss the severity of your symptoms in detail. If you claim memory loss from the concussion, give examples. (EX: I misplace my keys 3 times a week, I forget names at least once a week, I have forgotten to pay my insurance 3 months in a row) .

3. How many times a week are you affected by the symptom? What is the pain of the symptom on a scale from 1 to 10? Does this symptom interfere with your daily function? If you claim to have headaches, be able to show where they appear. What makes it worse, what makes it better, and what you do to treat it when it happens?

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@ronaldhaugen5967 says:

My migraines started in service ,service connected 50% and still have them should I go for TBI? THANKS BROTHER

@bradleysingleton8953 says:

I did not look into all this before my exam. I just went in and tried to remember as much as I could.. I have Is lesions on my brain from ied and no Kevlar. And of course I forget exactly what was said but im going to have the wife write a letter to add to his file. Ive been dealing with this for 10 years it has at times broken me down. I hope the look favorable on me. Im at 80% for other injuries so I hope im ok.

@thomaspatterson5913 says:

Thanks 🙏🏽👍🏼

@michealbmillzlynnmass4928 says:

I've done tests like this and I struggled. I have severe memory loss. I am missing huge chunks of life. I went to social security office and they gave me a paper with job listings and said that's how they determine if I qualify. I guess u must work a certain number of years to qualify. 75% of the jobs listed were completely foreign to me. It's so crazy that I don't know if the lady was just testing my memory because she knew I never was employed and her list was fake. Or maybe someone stole my identity. That happens often. Anyhow, multiple concussions suck

@alexgutierrez5398 says:

I have the exam coming thanks

@evanste2237 says:

I learned a lot watching your video great content. The question I have is relating to my 0% service connected tbi rating but I also been rated 50% for migraines. Is my headache secondary rated to my TBI ?

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