Veteran Concussion Research: Examining Combat-related Brain Injury

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Close – Former Army specialist Dan Hof, a veteran of the conflict in Iraq, sustained a concussion in 2005 while deployed and has been struggling with troubling symptoms of his injury ever since. Dan is one of the 20 participants in a study of mild traumatic brain injury in veterans led by Michael Lipton, M.D., Ph.D., at Albert Einstein College of Medicine. In cooperation with the Resurrecting Lives Foundation, Dr. Lipton is using advanced MRI techniques and cognitive tests to investigate the effect of repeated combat-related blast exposures on the brains of veterans with the goal of improving diagnostics and treatment. See accompanying release:

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ds electroshock says:

This is used in Veterans and these head injuries need to be addressed.

Ryan Johnsen says:

I hope you all get the help you deserve, brothers!!

Tom Newell says:

After years of VA telling me all the symptomology is somatisation from PTSD, I got a SPECT scan by AMEN clinic and saw visually the areas of my brain that are still currently showing signs of damage. I wish I had gone there 15 years ago. They were very nice and I recommend them to all vets that have been in IEDs, head trauma, if you're looking for answers to your questions.

Kirstine Termansen says:

I bloddy ddr torture, terror then a bloody,, rus, doc switch the pictures,,,,
Call 8 cm holl, a. Hortons migraine,,,,, and drug ddr, psy,,, to undermine by ddr, terror, moopster
Is a bitter war zone, at home denmark EU, USA

J Gordon says:

Thank you George Bush and friends! You sent me off to receive concussions! Thank you, Donald Trump, for working to take away my health care!

Gene Godwin says:

I' would like information regarding brain injuries. in addition i'm interested in studies being performed on brain injuries in florida.

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