Walking after stroke: Spasticity versus foot drop

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Most strokes do NOT cause foot drop. There is a better term, spasticity. This video explains how they are different. If you are trying to improve your walking after a stroke, you must watch this πŸ™‚

Please visit https://www.orlandoneurotherapy.com/stroke/ to learn more about stroke
Are you struggling to stay positive in this tough situation? Here is a good read for you: https://www.orlandoneurotherapy.com/stroke/positive-thinking/

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kriszab says:

I had a massive stroke at 7 years old and was completely paralyzed on my right side with no speech. Because I was so young I progressed quickly to walk pretty normally, barring my drop foot/spasticity. Fast forward 45 years, I fared well but my right hand and my right foot is still pretty severely affected. I wish to ride a bike but my foot points down when I try to push the right peddle. Anything you could think of to help? I wish to get a pedicure but the more I try to focus on my foot to stay still, the more it flexes up and embarrasses me. I was even told not to come back. There are other issues with spasticity in my arm and shoulder but those seem to be bigger issues to solve. Can my involuntary movement be helped?
I am not sure if this is your area but do you deal with aphasia or "word find". My cadence in speaking is relatively normal but I cant find the words to express what I want to. If nothing else, this has been the hardest to live with. Thank you!!

Paul Richards says:

Great video thank you I’m pretty sure after watching your video I don’t have foot drop but high tone

amandaloyevaar says:

Hi – these videos are very interesting. You mention that they for people after people having a stroke. Do the same exercises work for people with MS too? I have similar issues with my walking.

Larry Vaile says:

Couldn't have done it without you. Thank you so much

Alison Quadros says:

Loved this so helpful & informative Thanks a million
-Alison πŸ’žπŸŒΊ

Reynaldo Crisostomo says:


Nolaig McKaigney says:

I have high tone & feel that an articulated AFO based on your blogs would benefit to progress Dorsiflexion but find it near impossible to source it here in ireland. Physio working on dorsiflex at mom& gaining a little movement. Any suggestions. I do stand quite a bit with AFO

Ana Haidau says:

Hey Doctor,I have a question please
I have MS and my right leg is more affected than the left ,they said I have foot drop and tried one of the automatic ESTEM you wear when you walk to raise your leg.
I didn't find it helpful at all..If anything I felt like I was loosing my balance even more when the electric shock came through,yes it would lift my foot but not make my walking any better.
Do you know how spasticity would react to the estem?I am not sure I have foot drop
Thank you for your videos ,just descovered you,very informative, I love it

shirisha says:

Meaning of endustant mam plss help me

Peterina Ngamoki says:

After 8 yrs of incomplete spinal injury I under stand it now. I'm so greatful to have come across your site. My rehab wasn't helping me at all thank you so much.

Felicia Tapscott says:

Thanks, Standing more to achieve balance and I have lots of tone not foot drop that’s the difference I acknowledge

Billykang Co PLT says:

I had been following your vid since I had my stroke in Oct 2020. All the while I thought I am having foot drop. After listening to your explanation, I now understand better my condition and it is more like high tone of my muscle. Thanks.

Coach Mulok says:

Tq Dr im therapist
This video is one of guidend to treat patient who has this problem

Yogi Popeye says:

Thanks A Lot. I am getting a lot of progress because of your video. This is me now

CJB BEE says:

HI!! Dr Tobias you are very helpful. I really enjoy watching your videos. For months I thought I had drop foot, but I do not. I do weight baring exercises, and you mentioned Standing is the best exercise! Thankyou again for your time and demonstrating so many exercises that have become helpful to me.

Robert Cruickshank says:

I was born (1942) with what I see as a spacivity problem. It was never called anything but a birth defect. My doctor recommended that my mother use a stretching exercise every night and eventually I was fitted with a shoe lift. Neither helped. Could you recommend anything?

Robert Cruickshank says:

I was born with a spacivity problem.(1942). This was a rare problem and it went mostly untreated. My doctor recommended a exercise

Crystal Bleau says:

Why is there no sound?

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