Webinar: Returning to work after brain injury | Headway – the brain injury association
Delivered by Paul Morris, Occupational Therapist specialising in neurological rehabilitation.
In this webinar, Paul will discuss the ways in which a brain injury can affect the process of returning to work. He will look at strategies, services and resources available that may support an individuals return to work.
About the speaker
Paul has worked as an Occupational Therapist since 2001 in Australia and the UK in a variety of settings and roles with a focus and interest in Neurorehabilitation. During this time he worked in Outpatient Neuro Rehabilitation, Inpatient Neurobehavioural Rehabilitation Unit, Community Neuro Rehab Team, Inpatient Stroke and Neuro Rehab and a Community Long Term Neuro Conditions team. In 2013, Paul set up his own independent practice supporting clients with brain injuries, strokes and neurological conditions to access independent neuro OT services in London, East Anglia and the South East.
Delivered by Paul Morris, Occupational Therapist specialising in neurological rehabilitation.
In this webinar, Paul will discuss the ways in which a brain injury can affect the process of returning to work. He will look at strategies, services and resources available that may support an individuals return to work.
About the speaker
Paul has worked as an Occupational Therapist since 2001 in Australia and the UK in a variety of settings and roles with a focus and interest in Neurorehabilitation. During this time he worked in Outpatient Neuro Rehabilitation, Inpatient Neurobehavioural Rehabilitation Unit, Community Neuro Rehab Team, Inpatient Stroke and Neuro Rehab and a Community Long Term Neuro Conditions team. In 2013, Paul set up his own independent practice supporting clients with brain injuries, strokes and neurological conditions to access independent neuro OT services in London, East Anglia and the South East.
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