What Are the Challenges of a Traumatic Brain Injury Survivor's Wife?
Lisa's traumatic brain injury story. Lisa and her family's lives changed dramatically when her physician husband slipped and fell, sustaining a "Mild" Traumatic Brain Injury which prevented him from returning to work.
She describes how her husband changed after the TBI, her worries, how she handled the distress, what she regrets not having done, and how she uses strong determination and hope to move forward.
She cautions family caregivers not to neglect their own needs and encourages them to remain hopeful.
Take the ongoing survey, done in partnership with the San Diego Brain Injury Foundation, to improve our understanding of the TBI recovery community https://forms.gle/55VZ2QbK9DKNHLY49
See survey results here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1ZJLuwfaF_bs4e85bd9lHEUeRxmZdEkuoeI0DBk0b46E/viewanalytics
*Interviews of brain injury survivors, family, and healthcare treaters
*Your Peripheral Brain (assistive technology tips)*
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Lisa’s traumatic brain injury story. Lisa and her family’s lives changed dramatically when her physician husband slipped and fell, sustaining a “Mild” Traumatic Brain Injury which prevented him from returning to work.
She describes how her husband changed after the TBI, her worries, how she handled the distress, what she regrets not having done, and how she uses strong determination and hope to move forward.
She cautions family caregivers not to neglect their own needs and encourages them to remain hopeful.
Take the ongoing survey, done in partnership with the San Diego Brain Injury Foundation, to improve our understanding of the TBI recovery community https://forms.gle/55VZ2QbK9DKNHLY49
See survey results here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1ZJLuwfaF_bs4e85bd9lHEUeRxmZdEkuoeI0DBk0b46E/viewanalytics
*Interviews of brain injury survivors, family, and healthcare treaters
*Your Peripheral Brain (assistive technology tips)*
SUBSCRIBE TO VIDEOS http://bit.ly/tbirecovery-subscribe
Traumatic Brain Injury Recovery Updates
Your Peripheral Brain – Assistive Tech Updates
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Thank you for sharing this video. We have a family member that also had a tbi and it is scary and at times feels very frightening. Listening to this story of Lisa and her husband along with her children certainly gives anyone that is going through similar circumstances a good and positive attitude and there is light definitely shining. Thank you again. All the best to you and your family Lisa πΈ
I'm going through it now. My husband had an accident 2 weeks after covid hit and shut everything down, his mother NOR I could ride in the ambulance with him, he was in ICU for 36 days, he didn't know what happened or why he was there or why his family wasn't there…He ended up having to have a craniotomy because of the pressure on his brain, and almost 3 years later, he's could potentially be having another one. It takes a tole on the entire family. And especially the spouse…I would never ever wish this on my worst enemy.
I wish I could connect with this woman. She shared many thoughts that spoke to me, and her dedication to her family mirrors my own. Our trajectory was different (my husband was undiagnosed for many, many years, and prior to my meeting him), but also many similarities.
I am so glad I found this interview. Our lives are very similar. My husband was also a physician and suffered a TBI 5 years ago. It has been the hardest journey of our lives. Still trying to find our new purpose in life. Thank you!
I fell in my kitchen while hurrying to get ready to leave and I hit head first on the hard wood floor. From where I caught my toe to where my head hit was about 9 feet. I had a CAT scanβno brain bleed. I
Started getting numbness in my toes then up to the calves then above knees. Fingers went numb. Tiredness. Anxiety. Panic attacks. What do you think?
excellent interview. My heart goes out to you, Lisa.