What is hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy?

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Dr. Taeun Chang, Neonatal and Fetal Neurologist from Children’s National, explains that hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy is a type of brain damage that occurs when an infant’s brain doesn’t receive enough oxygen and blood. She explains the terminology and why it is important to understand this condition for the newborn.

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Rajhy show says:

I love how you explain the process your a professional.

Michael McKinney says:

Just got diagnosed with having had this happen prenatally or at birth. I am 27 and I have struggled with stuttering and ADHD my entire life plus the other mental illnesses those bring. I feel completely betrayed by the medical system. I have lots of lesions in my basal ganglia and around the ventricles. They did an MRI of me at 16 and didn’t care to mention this. That same year they denied me speech therapy because my stuttering was considered child onset and not due to a stroke. Just last year I was denied speech therapy because it wasn’t caused by a stroke.

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God bless you

Me T says:

How can this be seen in a still birth?

Daily Dose of Medicine says:

Wonderful explanation👍


My baby suffering from HIE problem. Have any solution for my baby

Bilha Merino says:

My niece was supposed to have a c-section because the baby had the cord around her neck but the doctors made her wait 2 hours since her water broke. The baby had 6 seizures because of the lack of oxigen in her brain. What will be the consecuences.

Papa Addo says:

Now ladies and gentle that is a very smart intelligent woman.

Aishwarya Aishu says:

My baby suffering from hie3 mam

2445 Ego says:

She explains things very clearly. I bet she’d be an amazing professor and or surgeon or really anything she does.

WaveDancer171 says:

It's a good video to give a cursory understanding of the disease but there is lots more to it. I'd encourage viewers to watch other videos or read some articles if they want to find out more

Giovanni’s Journey says:

Please subscribe to my page and watch my videos, I am trying to bring more awareness to babies with HIE and have started a page to do so I would love to hear what people would want to see as content and bring hope for families with loved ones who suffer from HIE as a whole. Thanks in advance

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