Work After Traumatic Brain Injury
This video was made for our TBI Voices project. We interviewed thirty real life survivors of brain injury. In these interviews we talked to the survivors about how they became brain injured and who they were before their brain injury. We also talk about their recovery and what deficits they have encountered because of their brain injury.
Remarkably, Chris did return to work within the first year of her returning home, to her prior job, in a catalogue sale job and kept that job for four years. However, problems clearly attributable to frontal lobe injury ultimately cost her that job, primarily related to time management and transportation challenges. Her experience does show that fully accommodating the range of disability that a TBI survivor has, may make reemployment possible. See also what her Mom had to say about this at
This video was made for our TBI Voices project. We interviewed thirty real life survivors of brain injury. In these interviews we talked to the survivors about how they became brain injured and who they were before their brain injury. We also talk about their recovery and what deficits they have encountered because of their brain injury.
Remarkably, Chris did return to work within the first year of her returning home, to her prior job, in a catalogue sale job and kept that job for four years. However, problems clearly attributable to frontal lobe injury ultimately cost her that job, primarily related to time management and transportation challenges. Her experience does show that fully accommodating the range of disability that a TBI survivor has, may make reemployment possible. See also what her Mom had to say about this at
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