Writing Became Way of Expressing Brain Injury Emotions

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One blessing of his recovery from severe brain injury is that Zach discovered his gift for writing. While now his verbal communication skills is seemingly intact, his writing is truly exceptional. Read even a few pages of his book, the Miracle Kid, and you will drawn in. http://www.amazon.com/Miracle-Kid-The-Seventeen-Year-Old-Newborn/dp/1469786370/ref=tmm_pap_title_0

While that talent was likely latent before his brain injury, the struggles and isolation that came after his brain injury, made that talent his special thing, much like hitting a baseball before had been, that thing.

Somewhere in there you discovered that writing was one of your easiest forms of expression. Talk to me about that.

Well, how my writing started: I was on the phone with my mom and she said, we’re going to find you a major so we’re all generals. “You like to write.” And I’m like: “Well, that’s a good idea. So I changed my major. I changed it like three or four times and in the first like couple of months.

Writing After Brain Injury: Discovering His Gift

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