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We all come into the world with a blueprint. Knowing who we are at a unique soul level helps to understand how we may structure our lives from that viewpoint. (click this link for my [More]
In this webinar, Dr. Robert Baric, a neurofeedback expert and chiropractor, breaks down what really happens during a concussion and why the effects can linger long after the injury. He shares how neurofeedback can help [More]
In this eye-opening video, we delve into the unseen effects of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) on relationships and emphasize the importance of increasing awareness. Discover how TBI can significantly impact communication, emotional connections, and overall [More]
🌟 Five Ways to Support a Loved One with a Traumatic Brain Injury 🌟💔 It’s crucial to be there for them, every step of the way. 🤗❤️ Here are some strategies to help them through [More]
A guide to obstacles and solutions to dating after a stroke or brain injury. Physical, cognitive, communication, financial, and safety concerns are addressed. If you have had an acquired brain injury, please complete this short [More]
Traumatic Intracranial Hypertension Seminar 4 Grand Rounds Update on Decompressive Craniectomy for TBI brought to you by the Medical Student Neurosurgery Training Center. A decompressive craniectomy can be a lifesaving procedure when dealing with traumatic [More]
In observance of Brain Injury Awareness Month 2024, the Administration for Community Living (ACL) hosted a virtual TBI Partners Day on February 29, 2024 from 12:00 to 4:00 pm ET.
A codependent relationship will leave you frustrated, exhausted, and unfulfilled. It also re-enforces a belief that you are defective or unworthy. In todays live stream we will be identifying and discussing the tell tell signs [More]
Live Zoom Meetings are every Monday at 7CT/8ET and Wednesday 7CT/8ET Details here: https://www.meetup.com/chicago-complex-trauma-group/ Zoom Link: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/71442477691?pwd=QmNsdVQ4Y092VGhIN2tWUEc2TGVtZz09#success Enroll in the Online Healing Course – Adapt https://mindmasterclass.thinkific.com/courses/healing-from-trauma-1
Narcissistic abuse can cause many deep emotional wounds which in turn cause behaviors that other people might see as strange. Let’s have a look at what these behaviours are and how you can heal them [More]
In this video Christopher Lee Maher and I talk about healing issues in our tissues, True Body Intelligence, applying navy-seal training methods to healing, trauma honesty, how to build self-esteem with discipline, the importance of [More]
Althought incredibly important, issues of intimacy, sexuality, and even parenting after a brain injury are often overlooked in both research and practice.
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